2020 Women's Artistic Team Final (Tuesday, July 27, 2021)

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You know what I hate about prime time coverage this time around. It’s more like a documentary, than a sporting event. They don’t even bother with not spoiling audiences or anything.
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I think it’s inherent in US social media culture. People are ridiculous all over social media (especially Twitter and Reddit) but then totally normal in real life.

(Personally, I remember being mortified as a teenager when I found out that my dad – a very mild-mannered guy – was literally a troll on anonymous social media!)
The news orgs have been totally obnoxious about spoilers. I would be furious if I was working this week and had to wait.

I greatly appreciate that there are three live options.
I’m finding the commentary extra annoying on the broadcast because I know they record it after the competition. Like seriously Tim, how often do you commentate on warmaps? He pointed out that Simone messed up her vault warmup.
NBC showing all of Simone’s major errors back to back was I thought weird and unnecessary and insulting. Lol I’m sure Simone loved that
Also Tim keeps pointing out what events everyone is slotted for. This way it can be even more dramatic when Jordan has to go on bars (and beam).
I was just coming to post something similar. We know they add their commentary after the meet.
The pressure talk is ridiculous.
Yeah, I’m not sure why warm-ups need to be covered. They’ve never done that in the Olympics before to my understanding, well except in Sydney during the AA, iirc. The whole vault fiasco.
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They are just setting everything up because they know what happens. I feel like it’s more obvious and annoying than usual though.
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So rewatching, was Simone up high enough to actually get the second twist in?
I believe so, if she had started twisting right away. It looked like she paused right off the table before she started twisting.
I hope Biles recovers, and then I hope she can do a nice AA or something like that. My best wishes to Biles, and to all Team USA. I congratulate Team USA for winning Team Silver, and for being beat only by the Russians.

José M.
I think so. It was a gorgeous vault up until she hit pause on the twist.
I wish they used Laurie instead of Tim. It’s always irrationally bugged me that they usually have 2 men and 1 woman commentating, when women’s gymnastics is so much popular than men’s!
I have already decided that I will not watch it because I don’t want to hear what NBC has to say about Simone or any of the other errors. “This is not what the US was expecting from Simone. This is a big disappointment for the US. ETC ETC.” (Sigh) Plus, I wonder if they will even show all of the routines. I already watched the Main Feed for the stream live this morning but I didn’t see that much of the UK.
It did also look like she came in a bit high on the table, but she likely could have still pulled it around if she knew where she was in the air

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