2023 Worlds WAG Qualifications Subs 6-7 (Monday 10/02) AUS, BRA, AUT, CAN, Brown, Kelly

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Did Italy end up counting any of their falls yesterday?
Getting it out of their system before TF I hope.

I still think about that bars meltdown in 2018 that cost them bronze.
Gorgeous set from Oliveira aside from the fall!
Olivera narrowly misses hitting the bar on her dismount
Whitehead sits her 1.5. They wanna keep this interesting I see.
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Pass crashes her DTY. Australia might have just put themselves in hot water.
Ruby Pass fall on Yurchenko double twist, looks like she’s injured her arm
I believe the three event score on the live scoring for Biles is missing vault, not bars since that was what she ended on.
Saraiva worked a miracle on that geinger. This is the best shes looked on bars as far as I can remember.
Ah I see. Thanks for clarifying, let’s pick it apart properly at the end!
Australia counting a 12.166 on VT. That may knock them below Korea after such a great start on bars.
Andrade went over on a pirouette, had to do an extra swing.
Repeat of last year’s AA bars for Rebeca. I wonder if she’ll be able to squeak into EF with that.

Ugh she was so close. I think she’s better off skipping the pak-VL connection. She seems to get way too much rotation out of it and it keeps messing up the kip cast.
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