2023 Worlds WAG Qualifications Subs 1-3 (Sunday 10/01) ITA, NED, USA, TAI, GBR, KOR, RSA, apparatus specialists

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Where is all this Gadirova hate people keep talking about? I thought she was pretty popular, and so far in this thread I’ve seen people defend her but I haven’t seen anyone criticize her. Or is it on Twitter or something?
I don’t have twitter so can’t speak to that, but if you look at the YouTube comments of Gadirova’s floor/beam from 2022 worlds, they’re chock full of people accusing GB of rigging the AA/FX finals, calling her Jess “overscored-irova”, and suggestions that the judges were using the artistry checklist to prop her up over Jordan. Not to mention Jess from Gymcastic making that idiotic tweet comparing her scores in Liverpool to what she got at a domestic meet when there wasn’t a single British judge on the jury. That definitely fanned the flames.

A lot of vitriol there towards her comes specifically from people who thought Jade was robbed on floor, so it’s not like they’re the sharpest grip brushes in the chalk bin.

I’m not a huge fan of her floor, but she does everything the code is asking her to do, and if we’re going to complain about British FX titles, Tweddle’s win is more deserving of criticism imo. Jessica is like Mostepanova compared to Beth.
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Ok so this was meant to be a private message but it’s 5.30 and i can’t think so I’m deleting
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I feel like Shilese is losing a lot in the last seconds of the routine. The toe-half could be justified at 0.1 but she swings out of HS quickly so looks like a 0.3, and she dismounts very close to the bar.
Judges taking .3 on turns that really weren’t is like a hidden epidemic. Dismounting relatively close to the bar is normal for a double front, no deduction unless it’s super close. The form on the dismount is where Shilese is losing ground, .3 leg sep + feet flexed + feet not together when landing. I find the .3 leg separation deduction obscene, it’s already borderline for Shilese just on the codified width metric, and I feel it should be reserved for when the legs are not parallel and also spread wide.
Some line up news for this morning (today’s threads aren’t open yet)

Sense has prevailed for Romania, Voinea isn’t doing bars. Barbosu and Preda in the AA.

Ana Perez for Spain and Maellyse Brassart for Belgium are not doing AA. I think Brassart might be injured. Don’t know about Perez (who is the current Spanish AA champion), she did AA at RomGym, but isn’t listed for vault here. That’s a big blow to their chances of getting to Paris as individuals.
I wouldn’t say it was a rule, no. More of a trend. There are certainly gymnasts from Russia, the US etc who take their time achieving individual success. However, my point isn’t that no gymnasts from the traditional programmes ever ‘serve their time’ before they get their success. It’s that they don’t have to. They won’t come in for the same flack if they don’t.
We don’t have a lot of footage to go on. The first time Ruby competed it afaik was the trials event, which obviously there are no videos of because BG. Then it was patchy in podium training, she fell on at least one. I think she fully rotated one she stood up but there was a scoreboard partially blocking.

The Amanar evidently isn’t ready though. I don’t expect to see it in TFs, there’s no point. But I do hope they put Ruby up to do a DTY instead. I know BG have never seen a question to which they don’t think the answer is getting Alice to do more routines, but we all know what her DTY looks like. Ruby is here, they made the experimental choice, might as well give her as much opportunity as possible and get the full benefit of the decision. Plus her DTY is pretty good.
Really, even with her being top 3 on floor? I know Ondine has been known to get into the 13s on floor but it’s never a given.
She seemed very, very nervous. It might be that she’s got it out of her system now. It’s been a long time since GB will have used someone that inexperienced in a team final. I think we’ll see Jess and Alice do AA, Ondine sits out bars where Georgia comes in
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That’s true, and BG do like to default to their AAers. Also Alice has no AA final to rest for, and historically she tends to have a good TF when she shits the bed in qualifying.

But you’d think even a nervy Ruby could do that DTY all day long. And for me, the coaches have to take some responsibility for the fall on the Amanar: it was obvious from podium training that it was a gamble.
Alexa Moreno has knocked Roberson down to 5th in the vault standings. Kaylia Nemour scored 14.733 on UB and is currently in 2nd on the event.

Andrade just scored 13.800 on beam for 4th so far.

Rebeca into 3rd on floor with a 14.033.

Flavia is always so fun to watch on floor! Hope she didn’t step out on the double layout.
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Don’t worry, easy mistake. It stops us having 2 simultaneous threads

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