2023 Worlds WAG Qualifications Subs 1-3 (Sunday 10/01) ITA, NED, USA, TAI, GBR, KOR, RSA, apparatus specialists

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I mean the punch front was flinged for sure, but I don’t know that it had much more than 0.1 for height and 0.1 for precision, it just looked very uncontrolled. I should rewatch that
I thought the landing position looked like a -0.3 squat, in addition to whatever height and other deductions. I’ll go back later
Hillary Heron scored 50.599, so I think we are going to need an official answer on whether she’s eligible for Paris.
Does a spin + leap fulfill the dance combo CR? Wondering why she cut out the straight 1/1 jump.

Dying to know what artistry deductions were taken.
D’Amato and Iorio TIED at 52.966. Longines has D’Amato ahead placement-wise…
how do they decide the order in the Italian team? rock paper scissors? Why was this routne third
That Italian girl I’ve never seen before just opened with a Silivas, huh? Or did my eyes deceive me
Someone on bars nearly clonked her head on the bar doing a double front. She then landed like a crash test dummy.

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