2020 Women's Artistic Team Final (Tuesday, July 27, 2021)

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I don’t know what to do with myself right now. My emotions are contorted.

I’m gonna take a 30 min nap before getting ready for work. I know you guys don’t care, lol, but I needed to share this with folks who understand. 💔
Can you get rid of twisties by doing twists into a pit? I always wondered how gymnasts got over them or if it just happens when you wake up one day and you are cool with twisting again.
On Today Show 3rd hour they said Simone told reporters it was mental. So hopefully she can get help and get back in the game.
She looks like she has the twisties.
Should have done the double pike
True but would that have helped on the other events though? She does lots of twisting on FX especially? If that is the case, what horrible timing
My daughter had them coming back from covid break. If that is what is going on, they made the best and safest decision- my DD said it was the most terrifying thing to not know where you were in the air.
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Can you get rid of twisties by doing twists into a pit? I always wondered how gymnasts got over them or if it just happens when you wake up one day and you are cool with twisting again.
Everything is possible. I got twisties from one day to another. Getting rid of them usually takes time and patience, but I can imagine it could change from one moment to the next. It’s completely mental. Your body is like a machine, it knows what to do and how to do it. But your brain can’t seem to find the right buttons to start the machine anymore
The morning radio show I listen to spoiled the results and everything. Glad I was watching live.
Well all vaults will be devalued in the next COP.
If they’re all devalued the same then it doesn’t matter. They need to lower the Cheng slightly relative to other vaults IMO
Russia absolutely won today - but they had mistakes as well. Mistakes that would have put them under the US qualifying score.

Also, I have no idea why people on here and twitter spend so much time focusing on American media reactions. I, too, want more accurate coverage that doesn’t priortize oversimplified narratives. But we’re about to watch NBC try to discuss complex mental health issues in primetime, where I’m sure they will frame this as a soft choke job instead of what it really is, which is an athlete suffering from the long term effects of competing for the organization that enabled her abuse. If Lebron or Naomi Osaka has a really off day, the worst that happen is they lose. A gymnast unable to compete a vault she’s completed without error for 8 years straight should NOT be attempting the hardest tumbling pass in the world. None of that takes away from Russia’s victory and the pre-emptive outrage about their win being “discredited” shows where some people’s priorities are. But there is one person that American media coverage will affect the most and she is not a member of the gymternet.

As a final note, it sucks that so much of the narrative from casual viewers has focused on the valuation of Simone’s elements. But when you think about how black women have been treated throughout time, espeically in athletics, you can appreciate some of the sentiment, even if it is misguided.
Yeah, I thought her last warmup looked weird. But I wasn’t watching enough to count rotations to see that she was one short. Thought she was just playing it safe and overpowering.
I happened to be there once when my DD “lost” her half when she was a little level 7 (I think she was like 7 or 8 years old?) I remember like thinking “i just saw her brain snap” and then she told me she lost her half- could only do a full or 1.5. That was pretty easy to fix and she got it back in a couple of days. When I watched that vault today it was like seeing that again. Her brain snapped. (just my opinion). Sending her lots of love and mama hugs as I know shes going to need them. Poor thing. I can’t imagine what she is going through right now.
I noticed she only did a 1.5 in the warmup, but I figured that was just her warming up, much like they do a single back flip off the table.
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