2024 WAG Qualifications Subdivision 2 (CHN MG 2 GER/Nemour USA ITA) Sunday July 28 5:40 am ET

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Well, glad I didn't watch this live. I don't need that kind of stress in my life lol.
Thank you, @Concorde ! I couldn't find video at the time to see what she did and write it up. I vaguely remember she had been around 6.9 (with the downgrades) not so long ago and forgotten that she had added other upgrades.
I thought Jade looked pale at podium training. But I assumed it was exaggerated because she was standing next to her team mates, who are not pale
I was mulling over the same issue, and had the same thought as you. Sometimes it's the contrast, and she's never been sort of 'bright' white iyswim. But I still thought on balance she looked a little drawn.
The close up with Jade showed she has sunken eyes, which is a sign of dehydration and not enough sleep.
Sounds like she and Brian both got the stomach flu or food posioning.

I would keep her off floor and have Hezly or Suni go.
I also hope Simone lets Hezly do bars in TF and takes a small break.
Not sure if I would put Hezly on beam instead of Jordan given her TQ errors, though a hit Hezly beam would go around 14.
I mean, they had a bit of a rough day and were lucky to be able to drop some scores, but they were still 5 points in the clear. They get to start on VT and will pretty well know where they stand when floor rolls around. I mean China might stay on the beam and hit full difficulty, but...

I am adding Simone's Achilles to my prayers.
I'm still thinking worst case scenario with Simone having and injury and Jade being too ill to go and the last 3 left standing to bear the brunt. Let's hope those don't play out. They can withstand no Jade on floor, but they need decent Simone.

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