2024 Olympic Games: MAG All-Around Finals: July 31 11:30 am ET

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The HB stream is just zoomed in on ZBH drinking his Gatorade.
Can anyone find the medal ceremony? There’s not multi view stream this time.
I only was able to half pay attention to the streaming in my phone because I had to come into work today but that was a journey! I’ll rewatch it with the family tonight so I can see things better.

I was hoping Kovtun would have been able to hold on for a medal. But Oka had his day for sure!
Zhang Boheng is still a superstar.
My mom saw an interview in Japan where Uchimura said Hashimoto suffers from nerves. It is too bad.
Shinnosuke Oka is the Olympic Champion.

Who saw this coming even a week ago?

Yet he's a completely worthy champion. He did beautiful gymnastics with great technique on every apparatus except maybe vault, where his ability to drill landings came through.

Yet I am absolutely dumbfounded at how we got here. Daiki could have repeated his gold. And I feel a little sad for Zhang Boheng. Maybe he could have been a little better of a champion.

But Shinnosuke Oka goes down in history in a list with Vitali Scherbo, Yang Wei, King Kohei, Vladimir Artemov, Koji Gushiken, Li Xiaoshuang, Dityatin, Andrianov, Kato, and Hashimoto himself.

Unbelievable, and a litte bittersweet, and also totally wonderful.

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