Cairo World Cup 2023, April 27-30

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Roberson vault 1

D’Amato bars

Heron vault 1

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D’Amato injury vault.

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The flight series in particular was usually solid, so it’s bizarre that they truncated it rather than remove skills like the “Onodi”
According to Roberson’s dad, she changed the flight series because she felt off as soon as she took off for the aerial. Which tracks, because that BHS was super crunchy. I think its still supposed to be aerial-lso-lso. Guess we’ll see tomorrow.

But that Onodi has to go. Same with the straddle jump.
Oh, that’s good news at least and makes sense. I should text Roberson’s dad next time before posting. 😜
Her dad is allllllll over Twitter. I saw that particular statement because someone retweeted it.

Villa bars

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This tweet has video of both of Roberson’s vaults. I will say the DTY is much improved. I thought she might die doing that vault at 2022 nationals.

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Yet more video (sorry that these are all twitter links, but that’s where I’m seeing video for now) of Roberson’s vault, including a side view of vault 1.

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1USA USAROBERSON Joscelyn14.03313.93313.983
2ITA ITAD’AMATO Asia14.10013.10013.600
3PAN PANHERON Hillary13.76613.43313.599
4INA INAIRFANALUTHFI Rifda13.06612.90012.983
5DEN DENRASMUSSEN Camille13.86611.86612.866
6NOR NORTRONRUD Maria13.06612.13312.599
7CZE CZEMAKOVICKOVA Patricie12.50011.73312.116
8UZB UZBCHUSOVITINA Oksana11.90012.10012.000
1ITA ITAD’AMATO Alice6.2008.4330.00014.633
2ITA ITAVILLA Giorgia5.8008.4000.00014.200
3BEL BELPINXTEN Erika5.2008.0330.00013.233
4UKR UKRHUBAREVA Yelyzaveta5.4007.7330.00013.133
5CAN CANSTEWART Ava5.6007.3330.00012.933
6CAN CANDOWLING Jessica5.4007.3330.00012.733
7SLO SLOTRTNIK Zala4.5007.9330.00012.433
8UZB UZBARIPOVA Dildora4.9007.2000.00012.100
In other news from qualifications, Vasiliki Millousi finished 18th on beam and 19th on bars, scoring no World Cup points, so I think that is her definitely not going to Worlds this year.
Going back to the earlier point about the standard of the WAG competition in Cairo, it is not a good thing for the sport that we are agreed that the one top level team who showed up would have been better off staying at home.
1UKR UKRKOVTUN Illia6.2008.2330.00014.433
2CRO CROBENOVIC Aurel6.2007.9660.00014.166
3IRL IRLMONTGOMERY Eamon5.9008.1660.00014.066
4GBR GBRSKINNER Hayden6.1007.7000.00013.800
5GBR GBRMOSTOWFI Sam5.6008.0660.00013.666
6KAZ KAZKARIMI Milad6.1007.1660.00013.266
7CYP CYPCHARI Michalis5.7006.5000.00012.200
8USA USANELSON Kameron6.0005.8000.00011.800
1TPE TPELEE Chih Kai6.5008.5330.00015.033
2ARM ARMKHACHIKYAN Gagik6.2008.5330.00014.733
3UKR UKRKOVTUN Illia6.0008.5660.00014.566
3ARM ARMMERDINYAN Harutyun6.0008.5660.00014.566
5USA USASKIRKEY Ian6.1008.1660.00014.266
6NED NEDDE MUNCK Loran6.5007.1330.00013.633
7KAZ KAZKURBANOV Nariman6.2007.3660.00013.566
8CRO CROUDE Filip5.5007.3000.30012.500
1AZE AZESIMONOV Nikita6.2008.7660.00014.966
2ITA ITAMARESCA Salvatore6.2008.5000.00014.700
3ARM ARMAVETISYAN Artur5.9008.7660.00014.666
4CYP CYPPILAKOURIS Sokratis5.9008.6330.00014.533
5EGY EGYZAHRAN Ali6.1008.4330.00014.533
6BEL BELCUYLE Glen6.0008.3660.00014.366
7ARM ARMDAVTYAN Artur5.3008.8660.00014.166
8GRE GREKONSTANTINIDIS Konstantinos5.7008.4000.00014.100
Don’t know what happened to Eleftherios Petrounias but he didn’t make the final. He has enough points from Cottbus to qualify for Worlds.
I sometimes read his name the way that Harry Potter shouts his patronus charm.

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