AA final Euros

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Well I feel a teeeeny bit less bad that she hasn’t qualified to Tokyo. But still, she was slated for the beam final and she said she felt great for the AA final.

I presume she would have been at Worlds but that’s a no-go now 😦

This is Visser on floor in the AA.

I don’t want to deduct. But the Code says I must take 0.1 for foot at head height (not closed ring), right?
I mean, if you follow the line of the vault podium since it looks pretty level, her foot is at her head height even if her knee isn’t bent much.
I wouldn’t think so. She has full head release and her foot does get up to head height, even though there is not much ring shape. Is there anything in the Code about ring shape?
This was actually a very informative read. I do think they will have to rule something with black on black background, because it’s kind of confusing.
She usually outscores her and used to be slightly ahead on some pieces. My fingers are crossed to see them both in Tokyo.
But Jess also unusually fell on beam in prelims so if you consider without falls then Jess is still ahead of Alice. In actual fact more was turning on Jess’s beam routine as no fall would have given her the plus one spot for GB instead of Larisa! However I love Larisa and desperately want to see her at Tokyo so that is fine. I’m hoping GB go with 2 sets of sisters for the team!

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