2024 WAG Euros qualifying/Olympic individual qualifying/AA

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This is stupid actually. 2 per country to qualify to finals is one thing but this is another. I think the 2-per rule is mostly so more gymnasts are in finals, not just 2 or 3 countries. Give that bronze to Andreoli!!!!
Totally agree very unfair but follows the rule as pointed out only 2 would have made an aa final so only 2 can medal.
Full detailed results available now.

I'm pleased for Abi but sad for Ruby not making a final. Thought she did a good steady job. Her beam routine was nice apart from the fall.
Love that Sweden reaction video!

Making a Euro final might not seem like a big deal and they won't win a medal. But huge accomplishment and speaks to their continued improvement with beautiful and clean gymnastics. Making the team final is a bolster to their program.

Can definitely see Sweden making a push for 2028, reminds me of the upward trajectory that Belgium had prior to Rio.
that is a cool skill but it seems harder than a Comaneci(which is an E I think)

Yeah should probably be an F. Very difficult to not get an amplitude deduction on this skill (even with the more relaxed rule afforded to Comaneci-type skills) or get any connection bonus from it. This has me thinking about the Reverse-Toe and Endo versions: will they be regarded as "Comaneci" variants or "Jaeger" variants? With the Endo it's especially hard to say because there's quite a bit of wiggle room on the release timing (could release during the swing back or could go up more towards handstand first). I think either way it will be impossible to catch above the bar on that release, so I'd treat it like a Comaneci.
I am so excited to see that skill! I constantly have imaginary routines going around in my head, and that is one of the imaginary skills I've been using for many years. I love seeing it done in real life!

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