I think you misunderstand me a bit. The example i posted from jordyn is pretty damn perfect in following the beat, but if you look at, e.g., London ef, if i remember correctly there she is constantly rushed because all these spaces are choreographed and she is just running behind. That’s the risk to this approach.
Aly, on the other hand, does have parts that should really look like jordyn, but instead look like she’s going crazy live on the podium. Most notably, pet peeve of mine, after the second pass where the choreo is obviously mickeymousing the music, yet she is dancing to her own beat because she almost never could wait as long as required after that pass.
Which, incidentally, is the same thing bogi did, but with massively better movement.
Finally, a lovely choreography that is very beat-heavy (by which i mean lots of strong accented beats picked up by the gymnast) without it being too posey or simple, which certain parts of jordyn are to me, even though i also really mostly enjoyed that routine.