2020 Women's Artistic All Around Final (Thursday, July 29, 2021)

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She said on her instagram that she’s heard somewhere it could be triggered by stress, but she’s not sure if it’s true
people like to blame everything they can not otherwise understand on stress. We have a couple of physicians on this forum – can they shed light on this for the rest of us?
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That isn’t their job. Sports psychology has been used to good effect in gymnastics for years. Especially in the 60s and 70s. It isn’t a substitute for the technical knowledge of a coach. Simone previously worked with a sports psychologist when she was with Aimee.
Could a sports psychologist really have prepared anyone for these circumstances though? It’s a lonely Olympics for the actual athletes who are competing in an athletic event, not performing for TV. They can’t meet any other Olympians, go to any other events, do anything else really in Tokyo or the village to take their minds off sitting in their rooms by themselves and overthinking.

US Nationals and Trials did zero to help with preparing for reality with record-breaking crowds. There was zero way USAG and NBC would have allowed those to be held with no spectators, but that was what was needed for them to really recognize what that would be like.

Simone isn’t just the face of the Games because there’s no Michael Phelps though. She’s the face of gymnastics at present because the US team has no other 2 time Olympians. In 2016, even though they weren’t THE main focus, Aly and Gabby were internationally famous and not nobodies that the media ignored 100% in their coverage. This year, it was “Simone and by the way, random people who happen to be on her team”.

I found this article interesting:

“These Olympics felt different from the start. With no fans, the opening ceremony felt like a rehearsal, and many U.S. athletes skipped it. Track athletes who would normally get here quite early will arrive much closer to competition. There are no chances to see Tokyo, to go to other events, or to hug a mom after a win. There is no outside support and very little opportunity for joy. There is only time to think.”
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Simone previously worked with a sports psychologist when she was with Aimee.
Yes but to address very different issues. Nerves. Not twisties. Its like saying “I went to a GI specialist to take care of my stomach problems so that same doctor should be able to deal with my orthopedic issues”
My daughter said it was totally physical. She wanted nothing more than for it to feel normal again but had to retrain her body and brain to recognize where she was again. She brought it up again on the way to gym this morning- said she hates seeing people trash Simone for this calling her weak or whatever. Said it is the most terrifying thing in the world to be in the air not knowing where you are.
Maybe with all the interest someone will decide to actually study this. It’s fascinating.
Yeah, I saw that on another (non-gymnastics) board and I have no idea if it’s true or not. I thought they were just blowing smoke, but it made me wonder.
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It is most definitely mental although the effect makes it look like a physical issue. From my experience as a coach, there can be many situations that can trigger the twisties. Progressing too fast, not doing enough drills, too much pressure on the athlete to perform well or finally get a skill (either by the athlete themself or coach/parent/nation). So in short, mental overload for whatever reason.

In Simone’s case I suspect that the prelims result added a lot of stress/pressure. When was the last time she did not have a comfortable cushion to make mistakes? I don’t think she’s had a chance to learn how to deal with this type of situation during the past 7 years. She’s probably never going to admit that but I can see the realisation that team and AA gold might not happen, trigger such a problem. Afterall, her winning team and AA Gold was presented as a given by the media and everyone around her. To be(come) GOAT must be a burden.
Most of the common meds used for ADHD are highly illegal in Japan, but it is possible to get authorization to bring in a short-term supply if you have a prescription.

However, that’s for general travelers. I haven’t seen anything about how it is being handled for the Olympic athletes (as I am absolutely certain there are many of them with ADHD), and definitely haven’t seen anything from an authoritative source that Simone doesn’t have her medication.
Last time would’ve been 2014 worlds, but that was the AA so may be a different pressure experience to TFs. Also 99% of the planet had no idea who she was at that point.
Simone previously worked with a sports psychologist when she was with Aimee.
Yes. But this is neurological, not psychological. All human movement starts with the mind. Right now there is a disconnect in how her body is receiving stimuli, organizing that information, and carrying that out into a motor plan. That makes it a neurological issue, not a psychological one.

This is not to say that stress, anxiety, or another psychological condition can contribute to the neurological issues. But that is up for debate and far from conclusive.
There’s an exception for athletes with TUEs to take their medication to Japan:


Link to the document if anybody’s interested: https://www.teamusa.org/~/~/-/media/3A2F15237A8143B080166A69C025F2F3.pdf

Lol this all started because Joe Rogan suggested it was a possibility and now news outlets are picking it up like it’s fact.
But this is neurological, not psychological. All human movement starts with the mind. Right now there is a disconnect in how her body is receiving stimuli, organizing that information, and carrying that out into a motor plan. That makes it a neurological issue, not a psychological one.
Thank you. This makes sense.
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