US Classic Senior Session 2

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I’ve seen an Olympic team on Reddit of Simone, Jordan, DiCello and Wong.

For DiCello to make this team, Suni, Riley, Morgan and Grace would all need to be injured. We might already be one down But I would put each of those 4 gymnasts above DiCello on that Olympic team.
Kayla DiCello - Balance Beam


4 x D (candle mount, side aerial, aerial, double tuck dismount)

Total Acro DV - 1.6


1 x E (Mitchell)
3 x D (double turn in tuck stand, switch leap 1/2, side straddle jump 1/2)

Total Dance DV - 1.7

CV / Series Bonus

side aerial + switch leap + split jump (D + C mixed) = 0.1 CV + 0.1 SB

aerial + straddle jump (D + B mixed) = 0.1 CV

back handspring stepout + layout stepout + layout stepout (B + C + C(0)) = 0.1 CV + 0.1 SB

back handspring step out + back handspring to two feet + double tuck (B(0) + B + D acro) = 0.1 SB

Total CV / SB = 0.6


Dance Series - switch leap + split jump
Turn - double turn in tuck stand
Acro Series with Salto - back handspring step out + layout stepout + layout step out
Acro Elements in Different Directions - side aerial, layout stepout

Total D - 3.3 + 0.6 + 2.0 = 5.9


aerial + straddle jump
  • Connection broken by the balance adjustment on the aerial
Total D - 3.3 + 0.5 + 2.0 = 5.8


  • (bent knee) 0.1
  • (lack of precision / off-axis) 0.1
  • (balance error) 0.3
double turn in tuck stand
  • (bent knee) 0.1
side aerial
  • (flexed feet) 0.1
side aerial + switch leap
  • (poor rhythm of connection) 0.1
switch leap
  • (insufficient split → between 0 an 20 degrees) 0.1
split jump
  • (insufficient split → between 0 an 20 degrees) 0.1
  • (flexed feet) 0.1
  • (bent knees) 0.1
  • (small balance adjustment) 0.1
back handspring stepout
  • (flexed feet) 0.1
layout stepout
  • (flexed feet) 0.1
layout stepout
  • (flexed feet) 0.1
  • (landing posture / chest forward) 0.1^
switch leap 1/2
  • (body posture → bent knee in leg swing, flexed feet, insufficient split → between 21 and 45 degrees
    ) 0.5
back handspring stepout
  • (flexed feet) 0.1
double tuck
  • (flexed feet) 0.1
  • (landed with feet apart) 0.1
  • (landing posture, landed in squat and with chest low and forward) 0.3
  • (hop on landing) 0.1
Total - 2.9 - 3.0

  • (Insufficient complexity or creativity in the movements) 0.1
  • (Insufficient variation in rhythm) 0.1
Total E - 6.8 - 6.9 / (-3.1 - 3.2)
I hope you’re right! I’d rather see DiCello at Worlds than the Olympics. But it’s hard to argue with her improvements and the comparison of where she’s at compared to Hurd, for example, and a possibly injured McCusker. She’s certainly in the very top tier of gymnasts under consideration.
The teams people on Facebook put together are just as unrealistic as the ones I’ve seen on Reddit. Wowww at some of them.
Someone on Youtube brought up a very good point regarding Skinner on Floor and it brings up an interesting question regarding the Code and the award of Moors vs Silivas.

Of course, her first pass is a Moors.

Section 9 page 1 of the Code states “When there is NO stretched position shown it is considered pike position in: … Non-twisting elements”. This would imply that, for twisting elements, you cannot consider a salto as a Pike where no stretched position is shown. However, it also says that “The majority of the salto must be maintained in the stretched position in … Double saltos on FX…

This begs the question then, that at what point does the Code downgrade: (1) a “tucky” Moors to a Silivas; or (2) a very pikey Chusovitina to a Full In Pike?

It appears that the Code can’t!

Re: (1), there is no analysis of when “Stretch” becomes “Tuck”. Only when “Pike” becomes “Tuck” and when “Tuck” becomes “Stretch”, for skills “without LA turn”.

Re: (2) the graphic for where “Stretch position becomes pike” is specifically listed only underneath the title which says “Recognition of body positions in single & double Saltos without LA turn”.

Accordingly, a logical argument could be formed that Double Twisting Double Back (of ambiguous shape) can NEVER be downgraded to Tuck or Pike. Likewise for a pikey Chusovitina.


Does the Help Desk have any videos on this problem? Again - the Code is hideously drafted. It is stuck in an age where a Moors (and even a Chuso) don’t yet exist.
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Nasty fall from Sydney Barros. She looks ok. But Jesus was not expecting that.

For DiCello to make this team, Suni, Riley, Morgan and Grace would all need to be injured. We might already be one down But I would put each of those 4 gymnasts above DiCello on that Olympic team.
Well they all have been injured badly this year. Even Spencer put DiCello on his hypothetical team. Based on what we saw yesterday, she’s further ahead than any of those four except maybe Grace.
This is another situation in which the Code of Points has guidelines NOT explicitly connected to a reward or a deduction, and it therefore causes confusion.

The Code of Points needs a complete overhaul.
It’s a bummer that it looks like health is going to be a determining factor on who ends up making this team. My feeling is that it will be Biles/Chiles/Grace/Kayla with Suni and Carey as the individuals. Wong and Eaker alternates.

That’s obviously a major disappointment based on the talent pool, but I don’t see how Morgan can put anything together to challenge and I would be very surprised if Riley makes it out ok.
Is the +1 interchangeable with the team? Can Suni be named as the plus 1 and later swapped in?

This also unfortunately creates an opening for Jade. It’s not likely, but it probably looks a little more tempting from where she is sitting. I wonder if she forgoes the WC spot if they would still consider her for the other spot if she doesn’t make top 4 AA.
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I know gymnastics is rough, but I feel like everyone looks kind of beat up right now. Feels a little 2003.
That’s interesting because I feel like this team selection is very 2004, lots of valid ways this team could go and many contenders pretty interchangeable in terms of potential. In 2003 the nationals tie meant three gymnasts were locked in to the worlds team so there weren’t as many selection permutations. Agree on the number of walking wounded.
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Random observations as I rewatch things…
  • Eaker has no business doing that first tumble and I’m shocked (but shouldn’t be) that she wasn’t even hitting the ring position on floor.
  • In 2018 if you had told me Riley and Jade would be difficult to tell apart I would have laughed muchly!
  • Riley’s DTY looked much better, truly gutting to see her get hurt on it.
  • Good to see Simone doing something a bit different on floor, albeit with some of the same choreography. I think this routine might grow on me but I don’t like the choreographed fall or the “oh!”. I know the latter is a trademark but it really doesn’t fit this music (mind you I probably only liked it in 2015, that was my favourite floor of hers and it worked there).
  • DiCello’s gymnastics just does not stick in my brain.
  • I’d love to know how they would have scored the better of Simone’s training vaults…9.9 E?
  • Morgan and Suni need a fantastic nationals.
  • Very curious to see Jade’s floor. Part of me wants her to get the second AA final place just for the gymternet meltdown : 😈
  • Why oh why won’t Skinner take the Shawn approach on beam and really limit split positions. Sigh. How different things could have been for her if she stuck around and medalled on vault in Montreal instead of Jade. She’d be a prime contender to get a +1 place.
  • The entire national team need a full pirouette on bars clinic.
  • For funsies would someone mind judging Suni’s bars as if the tuck front was her dismount please? I guess she’d be missing the full pirouette and forward grip elements, but I’m curious as to what the score could be for something so short.
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The Suni specialist vs. main team argument is interesting for a lot of reasons. One, Tom said early on in his tenure that he is not considering anybody but AAers down to the +1 roles, which means that Suni would have to do AA regardless of where she’s named. Given the dire state of UB we saw last night, Hurd’s elbow, McCusker’s injury which conceivably could take her out of the process entirely (hopefully not), Lee’s bars would be extremely useful. She appears to hit the 6.5 set reliably, and that would still be part of the highest scoring team. I also can’t picture a U.S. team of 4 not covering vault and floor, even if Lee isn’t used in TF on those events. So, if Tom is going to require her to do AA just to be considered for a +1, she might as well be on the main team.

The flip side is that Tom said this before Carey had locked in a +1, and a +1 is able to sub for a team member up until prelims. Carey could be seen as sufficient insurance for the team of 4, so Lee wouldn’t need to do AA for the other spot. Still, this is Tom Forster we’re talking about, and I can’t see Lee not putting in an effort to do AA even if that ends up waiting until Trials. She was only dismounting a layout off beam at 2019 Classics and ended up 2nd AA at Nationals weeks later.

The Tokyo sports entry deadline is July 5th, meaning that team compositions must be declared. A non-nominative +1 cannot sub in for a main team member after that point.
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Jade Carey - Balance Beam


3 x D (aerial, side aerial, double tuck)
1 x C (layout stepout)

Total Acro DV - 1.5


2 x D (switch leap 1/2, side split jump 1/2)
2 x C (switch leap, side switch leap)

Total Dance DV - 1.4

CV / Series Bonus

aerial + split jump + straddle jump (D + B + B) = 0.1 CV + 0.1 SB

back handspring stepout + layout stepout + layout stepout (B + C + C / 0) = 0.1 CV + 0.1 SB

switch leap + switch leap 1/2 (C + D) = 0.1 CV

back handspring stepout + back handspring to two feet + double tuck (B + B + D) = 0.1 SB

Total CV / SB = 0.6


Dance Series - switch leap + switch leap 1/2
Turn - full turn
Acro Series with Salto - back handspring stepout+ layout stepout + layout stepout
Acro Elements in Different Directions - aerial, back tuck

Total D - 2.9 + 0.6 + 2.0 = 5.5


  • (flexed foot) 0.1
aerial + split jump
  • (poor rhythm of connection) 0.1
split jump
  • (insufficient split - between 0 and 20 degrees) 0.1
layout stepout
  • (large balance error) 0.5
switch leap + switch leap 1/2
  • (poor rhythm of connection) 0.1
switch leap 1/2
  • (body shape - insufficient split between 0 and 20 degrees) 0.1
  • (balance adjustment) 0.1
split leap
  • (insufficient split - between 0 and 20 degrees) 0.1
split leap + side aerial
  • (poor rhythm of connection) 0.1^ (Could also not credit connection, but not deduct for rhythm)
side aerial
  • (flexed feet) 0.1
side switch leap
  • (body shape - one leg below horizontal + tilted and not horizontal to beam) 0.3
side split jump 1/2
  • (adjustment before jump) 0.1
  • (insufficient split - between 0 and 20 degrees) 0.1
double tuck
  • (flexed feet) 0.1
  • (leg separation) 0.1
  • (deviation from ideal landing position / chest forward) 0.1^
  • (step on landing) 0.1 (does not look to be 1M, so 0.1 vs. 0.3)
Total - 2.3

Artistry / Overall
  • (Insufficient artistry of performance throughout the exercise) 0.1
  • (Insufficient variation in rhythm and tempo) 0.1
  • (Insufficient complexity or creativity in the movements) 0.1
  • (Poor body posture/amplitude throughout) 0.1 (Numerous instances where her feet aren’t flexed, but aren’t fully pointed so I felt this was warranted.)
Total E - 7.3 - 7.5 / (-2.5 -2.7)
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