2024 US Nationals MAG Discussion

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It will all come down to the math. Hopefully it's so clear cut that the computer can do the choosing. The 4 for 4 and 3 for 4 teams might be different, as Yul and Khoi fell on PH on day 1, and Curran Phillips will only figure in one scenario (which will only matter if he goes lights on on VT and HB at trials).

Nedoroscik not even being able to touch the other events is an issue. Lineups have changed from what was planned going into these meets more than once, like Mikulak being pulled off HB in TF 2014 and Whittenburg being pulled off vault in 2022. Less flexibility with Steve. IF the selection committee has to choose between options I'm sure they will consider this.
I know I'm the queen of unpopular views on MAG selection, but I feel like with any combination of Malone, Richard, Young, Moldauer, Whittenburg, and Juda, they can afford Nedoroscik since all of the others are capable of AA. (Some stronger than others, but all of them do compete all-around at least, so if one goes down, you've got 3 who can all step into that place, and I think both Stephen and Khoi at their best could challenge for PH medals.) I think Hong is out of it, except maybe as an alternate. I'm already preparing myself mentally for the many potential heartbreaks on my end because there are so many gymnasts that I really, REALLY want to be on the team.
Am I the only one surprised that Hong managed to lag behind? I really thought he'd be a star in Paris.
A think a lot of people are.

He had such monster difficulty as a junior (He did a Yonakura vault), and some of his form issues were masked later on by the USAG bonus system.

He was really tiny when he was a junior. Now...he's not. He's short, but very muscular. His body changed a lot.
I was going to bring up that the bonus system that the men were using definitely benefited him, but without the bonus system, he’s not getting great scores so it’s misleading, but he did place 19th at world so it washed out eventually
He might be one of the few men who were at their best at a really young age.
I also thought Yul would grow into a star. He is good, but not where I thought he would be from early senior comps.
I remember seeing Yul in the background of Marty Strech's Instagram posts and videos forever ago and thinking, "That guy looks like he's going to be a LOT better than Marty's ever going to be."
I remember seeing Yul in the background of Marty Strech's Instagram posts and videos forever ago and thinking, "That guy looks like he's going to be a LOT better than Marty's ever going to be."
Well, that part came true.

Yul has done well. In his earlier Sr years the US might not have had the depth (aside from Mikulak), so he may have looked better relative to who was competing at the time.

This quad I would say the overall US field is stronger.
I agree with the lack of US depth, but also Yul did very well in his first year as a senior. He qualified to Worlds, finished 7th AA and won floor bronze. Granted post Olympics, depleted field, but still a World individual medalist is a good accomplishment.
USA is favorite for bronze IMO especially with Brody back.
But don't count out Italy and especially Ukraine.
Any of the 8 teams that make team finals will be medal contenders.
Yul would have a better track record if he took out the damn Tak elements on high bar.

Seriously. Replacing those two elements with clean B skills might have raised his scores 0.5 every round of competition he's ever done.
Nedoroscik not even being able to touch the other events is an issue.

It would take 2 of the 4 AA'ers being unable to compete for Nedoroscik's limitation to become an issue, and at that point the team would be highly unlikely to medal anyway, regardless of whoever the 5th member is. The more pressing matter is the team needs to bring their highest scoring potential to the Olympics in order to compete with the rest of the world. With Nedorscik on the team they actually have an outside chance for Gold if they have the competition of their lives.
We don't know China's team yet, but it will be Zhang Boheng and probably others with big D scores on SR and PB.

I'm fine with him being on the team if the math puts him there. I don't think he should be eliminated just because he can't do the 5 other events or because I think concentrating the risk on an unstable event might be a risk. If the highest scoring teams are very close together, those are considerations that could come into play. The selection committee could very well decide these factors aren't that important. He has one of the highest potential scores of anyone, so it would be nice if he actually hits all the rest of his routines.

He just has to do that. If the scores he gets at Trials are enough to put him on the team, he's going to be on the team.

It could actually end up being Hoopes.
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