2024 US Nationals WAG day 2 session 1

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Weren’t they all forced to train daily at the ranch while “ at camp” for preparation? Gabby greatly benefited but I don’t credit Marta for Simone.
No. This was separate to any camp, and probably only happened because Simone was local to the ranch. And probably because Marta didn’t quite trust Aimee to do it alone

It was just her, Aimee and Marta there. I can’t remember at what stage this happened at, possibly pre nationals but maybe even pre trials
I’m trying to investigate how many how many spots will be on the team. There’s at least 8 plaques and a ton of sweats and cowboy hats.

It looks like they’re taking like 11 or 12? There’s 3 girls already in their sweats and with their plaques. Poor Bullock and D’Amelio. I think they’re the only two not making it.
Yes and it would be a shame to have treated Skye the way Some others have been. I think it ruined Maddy Larson.
Poor Bullock and D’Amelio. I think they’re the only two not making it.
Let's be honest, with their shown skill level, they probably shouldn't have even qualified for Nationals. And I am usually the "invite everyone!" person.
Let's be honest, with their shown skill level, they probably shouldn't have even qualified for Nationals. And I am usually the "invite everyone!" person.
Oh for sure, but they really didn’t need to take 11 of 13. It must have been a score thing.
I did say "for better or for worse." Probably emphasis on the "worse." But 10-15 years ago, would we be talking Skye Blakely as a front-runner for the Olympic team with her hit record? Hell, Bowgate would have sent Marta into apoplexy. I mean, yeah, with Marta, your gymnastics career hinged heavily on being able to hit in competition. We were all shocked when Marta named a lackluster Gabby Douglas to the Rio team.
I wasn’t shocked, nor were other gymnastics fans.
Jr Team.png
I guess "shocked" isn't the right word, but there was a bit of surprise. With the numbers game and strategy, yeah, Douglas was the best choice over Locklear (who Marta said herself was the other choice, not Skinner).
3rd Jr. National AA title in a row for WOGA.

All three are Valeri gymnasts too. Johnson, Rivera, Pease.
It looks like every gymnast who got a championship qualifying score on either of the 2 days made the national team. They needed to get a 49.500.
No. This was separate to any camp, and probably only happened because Simone was local to the ranch. And probably because Marta didn’t quite trust Aimee to do it alone

It was just her, Aimee and Marta there. I can’t remember at what stage this happened at, possibly pre nationals but maybe even pre trials
It was right after 2013 classics, which Simone completely bombed.

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