2024 US Nationals WAG day 2 session 1

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I am actually surprised Al Fong started Lavi Crain in elite last year. Normally he would wait until the olympic cycle where the junior is eligible for olympics, and Crain won't turn senior until 2026.
I wonder if the parents wanted to avoid Lavi and Vivi competing against each other?
It is, relatively speaking, easy to add difficulty. It is much harder to get a gymnast into the mindset of having to hit routines in competition. That’s the difficulty that the US is now having. Look at Rose and Hang
They can't hit, but their basics and execution are quite good. Which is more than I can say for a great many US elites these days.
It is, relatively speaking, easy to add difficulty. It is much harder to get a gymnast into the mindset of having to hit routines in competition. That’s the difficulty that the US is now having. Look at Rose and Hang
For better or for worse, Marta's reign had a strong emphasis on consistency. It's now left up to individual coaches/gymnasts to work on that. I would like to see a sports psychologist at the camps to help with gymnasts' head game.
I wonder if the parents wanted to avoid Lavi and Vivi competing against each other?
They both turn senior in the next olympic cycle, and I think Vivi already did some elite this past season, at least compulsory qualifier. It would be fun to have a sisters duo in the national team!
For better or for worse, Marta's reign had a strong emphasis on consistency.

It's not like Marta was doing anything constructive to get gymnasts hitting their routines, she just kept them all batshit terrified of her. Feeling like you're entire gymnastics career is on the line every month at every camp is just too much stress. It got results but was never healthy and nearly drove Biles away from continuing with elite before she even turned senior. She broke more gymnasts than she had succeed.

She nixed beam mounts, that's really all you can credit her for.
I am not sure about this medal ceremony music. Are the gymnasts supposed to put on armor and go questing after getting their medals?

Also, it is too damn repetitive. Like have more than 8 measures of music on repeat if you are playing something on repeat.
It's not like Marta was doing anything constructive to get gymnasts hitting their routines, she just kept them all batshit terrified of her. Feeling like you're entire gymnastics career is on the line every month at every camp is just too much stress. It got results but was never healthy and nearly drove Biles away from continuing with elite before she even turned senior. She broke more gymnasts than she had succeed.

She nixed all beam mounts, that's really all you can credit her for.
If Marta liked you, she was a positive influence. She undoubtedly made Gabby, Aly and Simone better competitors. Wasn’t Simone training daily at the ranch in the run up to Rio?
I am not sure about this medal ceremony music. Are the gymnasts supposed to put on armor and go questing after getting their medals?

Also, it is too damn repetitive. Like have more than 8 measures of music on repeat if you are playing something on repeat.
The music at Winter Cup was way better. It had a crescendo it hit every time they announced the gold medalist and was all around more positive sounding.

This music is way too dark and dramatic.
Weren’t they all forced to train daily at the ranch while “ at camp” for preparation? Gabby greatly benefited but I don’t credit Marta for Simone.
It's not like Marta was doing anything constructive to get gymnasts hitting their routines, she just kept them all batshit terrified of her. Feeling like you're entire gymnastics career is on the line every month at every camp is just too much stress. It got results but was never healthy and nearly drove Biles away from continuing with elite before she even turned senior. She broke more gymnasts than she had succeed.

She nixed beam mounts, that's really all you can credit her for.
I did say "for better or for worse." Probably emphasis on the "worse." But 10-15 years ago, would we be talking Skye Blakely as a front-runner for the Olympic team with her hit record? Hell, Bowgate would have sent Marta into apoplexy. I mean, yeah, with Marta, your gymnastics career hinged heavily on being able to hit in competition. We were all shocked when Marta named a lackluster Gabby Douglas to the Rio team.

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