Simone is out of the AA, VT, UB and FX

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Isn’t she technically the only all around performance to have ever beaten Simone in like ever?

I could 💯 see it, but maybe my American lens is showing
I feel the same and I’m not sure why. Her vault is one of the weakest DTY here but there’s a lot to like about the rest of her gymnastics. Perhaps we’re just a bit excited about the possibility of a non-American champion. Sydney is a generation ago.
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In a world where “the big four” existed in wag for decades, and the six highest men’s AA finalists were all six Russian, Chinese, and Japanese men competing

An Andrade gold medal for Brazil would be a phenomenal accomplishment, and that’s who I’m most pulling for. But I bet Suni doesn’t falter, even if Andrade wins and is better
I wish! It would be the ultimate irony if Lu Yufei became China’s first-ever WAG World or Olympic champ.

If Suni wins, I’ll go straight over the moon. Seriously, my family will need to charter a space vehicle to bring me home. But I’d be happy with a medal of any color for her.
My feeling is, it would be a shame because there are well over 3 gymnasts who would be greatly preferable and, as you point out, she’d only medal if several of them splatted. So I’d rather that didn’t happen. Better for the Olympic AA medals to be won than lost.

It would, however, be entertaining in an absurdist, but of fucking course 2021 way.
Dream would be Andrade/Lee/DeJesus (love Melinikova but since she already has team gold would like to see someone else get some hardware.

But I’d actually be happy with any combination of the top 12 outside of Derwael and Lu Yufei. Their weak events are too weak for me to enjoy watching them win an AA medal.
Andrade and Lee are at the top of my heap because of the excellent gymnastics plus impactful backstories. Imagine if they somehow went 1-2. I’m getting chills, and it’s not Valentina this time.

Melanie or Urazova complete my dream podium, in whatever medal position.
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It feels like we ALL want andrade to do well, no? She’s such a wonderful blend of qualities. Now if she could only destroy the first 40 seconds of her fx music before tomorrow
Agreed, but I think for that to happen there have to be errors from the cohort we’ve been discussing.
I know, but that went DOWN when the lights were on. Wanna bet what kind of bb we see tomorrow? She looks super calm and collected as a person but that bb was ruff
I want the ones who show up to win. I don’t want falls and sloppy to win. Also, FTR, that FHS FT combo on beam by Listunova is IMHO UGLY. The FHS is all bent arms and legs and I and my gymnast kid about barfed as Nastia gushed over it. She also has a lot of knees going on there on her leaps.
I’m disappointed FOR Simone. I know this isn’t what she was hoping for when she stuck out training one additional year to get to Tokyo. She thrives on challenging the impossible.
If she says she can’t do it, then I’m so glad she has the ability to make that call for herself. After all the abuse she suffered throughout her career, I hope this is even a tiny amount of vindication for her to be able to make her own decisions.

And if Tom is still around a year from now, I’ll be shocked. Please find these gymnasts someone who can be supportive and protective of them.

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