2020 Men's Artistic All Around Final (Wednesday, July 28, 2021)

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I don’t remember anything like this. Can we have it for all routines please 🙏
Probably the Russians complained …
This NBC coverage is the worst I’ve ever seen it. If I was a young 10 year old gymnast that had waited four years to see my idols in competition, like I was in 2000, and had been allowed to stay up late for it… I would be absolutely devastated. Pitiful
NBC Sports needs to drop the pretense of wanting to put MAG on primetime. The primetime audience simply isn’t interested in it. And the gymnasts would be better served by a properly edited daytime broadcast.
NBC Sports needs to drop the pretense of wanting to put MAG on primetime. The primetime audience simply isn’t interested in it. And the gymnasts would be better served by a properly edited daytime broadcast.
Well let’s see how it is tonight… even the team coverage was pretty shitty no?
Women’s team coverage covered the US and ROC, the only two team competing. Only 2 medals were awarded and any other gymnastics you accidentally saw in the background were just some club yahoos, brought in to make the auditorium look fuller. (Though they did seem to show more routines from the ROC gymnasts than they would usually show)
Yes, even the women’s team was pretty shitty. They didn’t show Grace’s floor, only her score for example. They also didn’t show anything from GB who won the bronze, which I think is pretty unforgivable. Just in general, they spend way too much time talking about sports and athletes rather than actually showing the competition in prime time. It’s like the Olympics are a news broadcast or a documentary, unless you watch NBC’s afternoon coverage or any of the channels showing team sports, tennis, or golf.

I’m also at the point where I’m like screw swimming semifinals, only show the finals.
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It’s literally like a weather review from yesterday with recycled phrases from old weather reports.

Nastia’s tone too nasally suggests “the most interesting thing about this routine is that I overheard the conversation between Jordan and Simone saying she was going to do a double pike so let’s see, and yep it’s a double pike”. Like, who could possibly care about that that doesn’t already know it???
You know, I suspect this might be the result of people complaining about broken up, back and forth, coverage. They’re showing less of gymnastics because they maybe got feedback about limiting it to one block. I really could use some tea about NBC’s Olympic coverage because I have no idea what led to this. I’m just guessing. Gymnastics is one of the premiere sports of the Olympics, and it’s not being treated as such.
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I wonder if it was a factor of “the us could win” (Show it) vs “the us won’t win” (who cares) vs “the us is expected to win, and also didn’t” (show the highlights). I mean it doesn’t explain everything… But the cat was out of the bag when every article in the world told us Simone pulled out. US wasn’t going to win, and they figured the audience didn’t want to see it, or couldn’t care about anything beyond that? Same with the men? Idk, it’s just bad.

Showing the US and ROC back and forth, yet omitting routines, and showing not a single other team? Did anybody count the number of men’s AA routines they showed?? My guess was 9. They showed two sun wei routines to set up him losing out on the podium, but only showed Xiao on highbar. We got sam’s pommels and that was it, right? Did we see Brody once too? It was literally so short and I was so mad I can’t remember.
It’s not really the coverage per say, it is the insane amount of commercials. Last night there was more time devoted to commercials that actual Olympics!
My wife was about to go to bed at the fifth event (lol, like 20 min in), then they showed a routine so she stayed, then a commercial, so she almost left, then another 2 routines, so she stayed, and then a commercial so she was like I’m tired I’m going to bed, then it came back on and I was like there are only a few more routines left… And then three more commercials, and she’s yawning on the couch mad at me. At least it was only like 35 min in total lol
Showing the US and ROC back and forth, yet omitting routines, and showing not a single other team?
Completely inexcusable when it is tape-delayed! If it were live, it’s harder (but not impossible!) to show all the medalist routines when there are 4 events going at once–you can always show a routine that was missed during warm ups. But for things to be tape-delayed, not show every single US and Russian routine AND completely ignore the 3rd place team? Total dereliction.
As opposed to 1996 Atlanta when NBC would often say " we are going to the break but then when we get back will be commercial free for 35 minutes."or something…John Teshish

But it was also the Mag 7, the US had already won, but because there was no social media at the time, no one knew they had won yet except for certain people who ended up getting it spoiled on local news. But the general public didn’t have a clue.
The fight for third was as interesting as the fight for gold and silver. Would it be France? Would it be Italy? No, it’s GB!
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^^ if people aren’t looking at that coverage in 96 and saying “oh, that’s why so many kids are signing up for gymnastics” they’re idiots. Like, [as dramatically as possible now] this coverage now could kill the sport in the US. At least show the meet. I remember being furious at Sacramone (I know I’m not the only one, and I grew out of it), but I couldn’t have cared if I didn’t see it. I remember Paul hamm winning like it was yesterday, same with the Sydney vaulting fiasco (but to Robyn’s point, I barely remember the men in Sydney). They also did a really manipulative yet killer job of setting up the khorkina vs the world / Shawn vs nastia / Jordyn vs Gabby narratives. Rio was set up to be Simone’s coronation. This was just… A hot mess.
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A little MAG drama - people on Chinese social media were complaining that Hashimoto’s vault wasn’t scored properly. Xiao Ruoteng made a statement basically telling those people to shut it down and respect the winner. Good for him.

The FIG issued the statement below.

Ah, I wondered what had prompted that from FIG. Don’t recall them ever doing this before?

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