So there seems to be a whole lot of screming on Twitter about how its ~~sO uNfAiR~~ that Hurd and Memmel’s petitions to trials were denied. Like, total crazyland talk about how everyone else should boycott Trials(!!!). Comparing it to 2012. And I’m just thinking
what the everliving fuck?
Look, I’m the biggest Chellsie fan there is, but she’s not ready for Trials. I said that after Day 2; the best thing for Chellsie is to go home, use the summer to train smartly and get ready to kick ass at fall camps. Hurd is pretty clearly not going to be ready for Trials, either. I realize Tom selected an unusually large group for trials this year, but Hurd is not anywhere close to being competition ready–why waste her time and drag this out longer than it needs to be?
Now, the assertion that Tom informed Hurd and Memmel before the trials announcement was made that their petitions were denied, and then told the media the petition process was still underway? If true, that’s not okay. Frankly, I don’t understand why Memmel and Hurd, or anyone else who competed at nationals had to petition. The selection procedures are written in such a way that Tom could select anyone from nationals for whatever reason he wanted. Petitioning, to me, would be limited to those unable to compete at nationals.