US National 2022 Senior WAG Day 1

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Just because Urazova does it to the extreme does not mean Chiles does not meet the requirement.
But Urazova’s is the ideal position, right?

The Code says to deduct for “deviation from the ideal position”.

Unless your argument is that Chiles’s wolf turn is more aesthetically pleasing than Urazovas?
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I wouldn’t give Urazova a deduction. For me it is like Pavlova and her ring leaps. She is the queen of ring leaps but should everyone else be deducted because they do not do it exactly like her although they meet the requirement?
Personally, I think Jordan is way too high in the seat. She has a bent knee and an unaesthetic body position during the turn. It’s a medium deviation from the ideal execution, for me.

I can only assume that I’m not in a minority here, given how much they destroyed her E score in Tokyo.
You’re using screenshots of when she’s gotten low into the seat.

For the first half whole revolution, she’s up here:
It’s not just her being too high. Compare the arm position. Compare the body posture. These are night and day and Urazova deserves more than a measly tenth more for doing it properly and aesthetically.

Although IMO it’s borderline 1 or 3 for body shape. she’s also getting 1 for precision for overturning it and potentially a 1 for lack of balance
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Isn’t that the prep? Getting into position? A quarter of the turn.
So, should be in immediate position once you start the wind up.
Okay, I can understand that.
You must maintain the required shape for the full two revolutions if you want a double credited.

She’s in a position that will get her credited but that’s different from being in a deduction free position.
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Isn’t that the prep? Getting into position? A quarter of the turn.
If it’s unaesthetic/not in alignment then judges are perfectly entitled to take a deduction.

The “body shape” deduction is now a wholistic deduction. You don’t count all the individual errors like you used to. It got too complicated, so they simplified it. For each dance element, you look at everything in the round (not inc wobbles, amplitude, precision) and give a 0, 1, 3 or 5.
I suppose the simplification is nice but it would be nice to see the code reward those who do some things extraordinarly well… Flavia’s ring position… Urazova’s wolf turn. I know we stayed away from figure skating’s scoring for a reason but it’d be nice to see those two examples being rewarded.
Yup. The straddle is at horizontal, although the feet are fine. So I gave 0.1 (minor deviation).

The cross splits are not at 180 (although they’re close). That with the foot form, and the hips splayed/not perfect body alignment, I gave 0.1 for the switch (minor deviation), as it was 180 in real-time. 0.3 for the split leap (medium deviation) as it was clearly not 180, on top of the other errors.

The switch side I think I gave 0.3 (medium deviation). There is quite substantial mis-alignment with the beam, and the legs are at horizontal (which is, on its own, a 0.1). Although her foot form on her straddle elements is much better than for her cross-split elements.
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Beautiful sissone. It just floats.
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Exactly, although tbf someone will probably get injured and the 6 into 5 question will be settled that way. But yeah, it’s a concern, especially with the US being in a position where domestic scoring has to take on more importance than it does elsewhere.

Love Shilese. I so hope she can keep this going.
Sorry, I don’t see it
Other than her feet, her back leg could be a smidge higher but that is it
Jones is a little bent at the back knee so her back foot gets a little higher

compare 2

Edited to add: looked up the definition of a sissone from The Balance Beam Situation so I guess neither one really hits it
The difference between the sissone and the split jump comes in both the angle of the split (in a sissone, the 180-degree split is supposed to be hit at a 45-degree angle and is done so exactly 0% of the time) and the landing. The sissone lands on one foot, the split jump on two.
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