2024 US National WAG qualifiers

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Right, my mistake. She held permanent residency. And IIRC, she wasn't allowed to compete at championships, classics was as far as she could go.
Yes, it’s the same for Melanie. To compete at nationals you have to be eligible to represent the US internationally I.e you are a citizen who doesn’t hold a FIG licence for another country.
It's not known which 2 it will be and usually there will be 3 doing AA in qualifying. Ideally the Olympics is 6 person teams and everyone allowed to do AA in qualifying if they want (as silly as the structure was for this previous Olympics, at least we got 6 people doing AA in quals), but either way the athletes benefit from that competitive environment at trials. I don't see any real drawback, just upside.
There hasn’t been 6 member teams for 16 years now. You might as well dream about the 10 being reinstated
I think Greta Krob is the only junior who qualified via US Classic. Everyone else who scored 49.5 or higher had previously qualified.
42 gymnasts in the senior session is going to be bonkers. Last year only 28 competed.
I wonder if they will have some of the seniors compete in the 1st session with the juniors?
I wonder if they will have some of the seniors compete in the 1st session with the juniors?
Maybe. I’d be pretty upset though if I was a first year senior finally able to compete in front of a big audience at my first senior Nationals and got stuck being put back in the empty junior session. Especially since for 3/4 of the gymnasts competing, this is the last meet of the season.
42 gymnasts in the senior session is going to be bonkers. Last year only 28 competed.
And that's only the known qualifiers. I'm sure there's at least a few that qualified camp. Nor would I be surprised if Izzy Stassi got her petition approved.
I think they are going to have to have some of the seniors compete with the juniors. NBC will say it’s too long
Annnnd, all that work for USAG to put out the list just a couple hours later!

Alicia Zhou is not on it, so I assume she is injured.

The only senior woman I missed was Nicole Desmond.

Please let Suni be accepted to compete UB at Nationals. Considering she’s a good contender for the team and UB and BB are where she’d contribute, it seems counterproductive to not let her do UB at Nationals and have only the two UB routines at Trials. It’d be a pressure cooker, less practice in competition, and less data.
Could Suni do bars just as exhibition
I don't know if it is possible but it seems sensible to me.

I didn't like the way petitions were handled in the 09-12 quad. It felt like you had to be in Marta's good graces and your petition would be accepted whether you deserved it or not. (And if she didn't like you, you were done.) It seems like the Chellsie and Alicia et al. are trying to find a fairer way forward which I appreciate. On the other hand, preventing Suni from showing bars at Nationals is foolish. It shouldn't all come down to a judgement call, but someone (the selection committee?) should have the freedom to make a judgement call.
I agree. Someone who won an Olympic medal in the event less than 4 years ago should be allowed to put up a routine on that event when they already qualified numerically to compete at the competition..
I agree. Someone who won an Olympic medal in the event less than 4 years ago should be allowed to put up a routine on that event when they already qualified numerically to compete at the competition..
Especially if they have been consistently training like Suni. (Ok, training as consistently as illness/injury will allow.)
It should be easy enough to say "Athletes qualified on 2 or 3 events may petition for an evaluation during podium training. Athletes who show event readiness during this single-chance evaluation may compete the event during nationals." Since most of the partially qualified athletes are apparently in session 1, it isn't like it would add much time to the broadcast to let Suni do bars and Gabby do FX if they can show a 12+ score during podium training.

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