Simone is out of the AA, VT, UB and FX

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Gerasimova is 17 years old, she is a minor. They may just want me to travel with the coaches, but are they in the competition?
Wasn’t it the gymnasts choice to stay at the hotel vs the village? I read that they all discussed it seems weird that if Simone was so against staying at the hotel that it wouldn’t have been brought up then.
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As someone who has done some intense Biblical studying, I would like to point out that

1.Jesus did not sweat blood on the cross
2. Nothing Jesus did is remotely similar to Simone having the twisties.
3. To the best of my knowledge, Jesus never did gymnastics.
They all agreed it would be safer in terms of covid to stay at a hotel, especially since athletes in the village had tested positive. It doesn’t mean they could really predict how isolated they’d feel once there or whether bad memories might unexpectedly return.
Thank you for clarifying that. I did not realize it was sport-dependent, not individual-dependent.
Re: whether it’s twisting and flipping, or just flipping, or just twisting, I’ve had it manifest in each the few times I dealt with it @Denn . Also worth noting that it was always when I was feeling stressed, and felt a lot like the time I tried to train through the flu when my sense of equilibrium was all off.

On a different note, as someone who just finished a Biblical Studies degree, I appreciate that there are a number of others with some in-depth study in this area. And agree that the author of the post that Paul Ruggeri liked is rather full of it.
That sucks. It does sound a bit more extensive than what Biles is experiencing. She is still able to do, say, a Yurchenko 1.5 or a full-twisting double off bars (actually 1.5-twisting). For her, it seems to be the multi-twisting salto thing. But we’ve only had a couple video clips to go by – the vault warm-up, the vault itself, and the bars dismounts.

Did she delete those bars dismount videos? They were broadcast in major news outlets.
But on neither of these did she know where she was in the air. The UB dismount landed on her back which is OK on a pit surface but could have been serious or even fatal on a hard surface
Denn, this is interesting! I thought about the comment (not here) that Simone would have to beg Laurent to let her perform the YDP. I wonder about that…1) why would she have to beg? and 2) why would he have to ‘let’ her do the skill?
There’s a Jesus Seminar?! What am I missing?!
Not much in my opinion. It no longer functions, but they were very active during the “Historical Jesus” craze. Dominic Crossan was one of the leaders. They were over 100 people, a handful of legitimate scholars and then all kind of people who knew very little about Scripture or Biblical History and they would literally vote on whether or not specific sayings and events in the NT had actually taken place. They had some kind of system, “multiple attestation” being one of the criteria. So for example if a particular phrase attributed to jesus, appeared in all Gospels they would mostly vote “authentic.” I am no Biblical Scholar , in fact I am no scholar of any sort, just a regular person who goes to church and takes religion seriously. But the whole thing struck me as incredibly stupid. (My query – “did you consult the Jesus Seminar” was just a joke. I thought you would have heard of them)
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