Cairo World Cup 2023, April 27-30

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Did Chuso fall?
She bailed on her first vault and just did a messy tuck front. The commentator didn’t seem to know much about the sport and then confirmed it by saying she made that vault look routine. He had such admiration in his voice! During replays he even described her normal first vault but failed to point out that what she actually did wasn’t straight and lacked any twists 😆 I think she only did a straight tsuk for her second vault.
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She seems to be one of the few WAGs who’s being tactical about this, which is ironic considering she might not even turn up for worlds.
Overall a very strong performance from Roberson. Hope she can replace or improve some skills that killed her score, like L-hop and straddle jump.
Memmel should start by telling her that her mount is not getting DV and is getting -0.1 for being an unrecognized element. The free leg is supposed to be above horizontal throughout…I’m not seeing this in the CoP element box but I’m sure I read it somewhere in the last few months.

Did Villa get -0.1 for her routine being under 70 seconds? Great composition, but she should throw a battement in there somewhere
Memmel should start by telling her that her mount is not getting DV and is getting -0.1 for being an unrecognized element. The free leg is supposed to be above horizontal throughout…I’m not seeing this in the CoP element box but I’m sure I read it somewhere in the last few months.

Did Villa get -0.1 for her routine being under 70 seconds? Great composition, but she should throw a battement in there somewhere
Re: Roberson
The mount does have an ‘A’ DV. It was in the previous COP as 1,103 (and performed by one of the UKR gymnasts at the 2013 WC). The FIG WTC made a decision to that:

“All mounts without DV will be commonly recognised as “A”
except lifting one leg over to sit, squat on, simple jump to sit or
kneel or to land on one or two feet”

and placed this statement in the COP.

Re: Villa

Why would she incur a 0,10 deduction for an exercise being under 0:70? There are only rules for overtime.
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Ah I’m seeing that in the code now, that mounts without DV are recognized as A, which is silly imo. The element is still 1.103 but I thought it would be a deduction if under horizontal. So I guess she’s in the clear.

Villa too. I was misremembering and thought the exercise had to be between 70 and 90 seconds.
Villa’s beam execution is about one point above Roberson. Besides the problematic elements, she had more artistry deductions. Hope she can add some more sideway choreography and low beam choreography after the mount.
Not sure who made the decision to change Roberson’s mount, but it should be applauded.

Her EF routine was back to the aerial-lso-lso series.

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D Score
L Hop 1/1 (very close to not being around)
Split 1/1 (clearly short)
Single L (clearly short)
Front 1/1 to Double Tuck 0.1
Double Pike 0.2

IHCDD|CCB 3 = 5.9 D Score FIG AGREED, 5.9

Being really kind:

E Score
Moors (leg separation 1, knee bend 1, insufficient stretch 1, body posture 1, step 3)
Chuso (leg separation 1, insufficient stretch 1, body posture 1)
L Hop 1/1 (body shape 1)
Split 1/1 (body shape 1, precision 1)
Single L (body shape 1, lack of balance 1, precision 1)
Pause 1
Front 1/1 (legs 1)
Double Tuck (feet 1, precision 1, steps x 2)
Double Pike (feet 1, step 3)
Artistry 0.3 (lack of complex choreo 1, upper extension 1, lower extension 1)

= 7.1 E Score FIG 7.8

Total = 13.0
FIG 13.7

I could have gone so much harder. The gogean attempt was really a borderline 3 for body shape. You could have taken another tenth for form on both the Chuso and the Moors. Could have also taken more on artistry (perhaps corners).

I genuinely don’t know how an FIG panel give this routine below an 8.1, and then a few weeks later fly to Egypt and give Roberson a 7.8.

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1ITA ITAVILLA Giorgia5.3008.3000.00013.600
2USA USAROBERSON Joscelyn5.8007.4300.00013.230
3BEL BELPINXTEN Erika5.4007.6300.00013.030
4NOR NORTRONRUD Maria5.2007.7300.00012.930
5SLO SLOTRTNIK Zala5.0007.2300.00012.230
6NOR NORROENBECK Marie4.9007.2000.00012.100
7POL POLPIHAN-KULESZA Marta4.4007.2000.00011.600
8EGY EGYABDELSALAM Jana4.8006.5700.00011.370
1USA USAROBERSON Joscelyn5.9007.8000.00013.700
2ITA ITAD’AMATO Alice5.4008.1000.00013.500
3INA INAIRFANALUTHFI Rifda4.8007.8300.00012.630
4KAZ KAZBAUYRZHANOVA Aida4.7007.8300.00012.530
5PAN PANHERON Hillary5.1007.2700.00012.370
6AUT AUTMOERZ Charlize5.1007.2300.00012.330
7AZE AZETEYMUROVA Nazanin4.7007.5700.00012.270
8CZE CZETRNKOVA Lucie4.5007.4700.00011.970
1ARM ARMDAVTYAN Artur15.07015.27015.170
2UKR UKRCHEPURNYI Nazar14.77014.83014.800
3CZE CZEKALNY Ondrej14.27014.40014.330
4IRL IRLCUNNINGHAM Dominick14.50013.80014.150
5USA USANELSON Kameron14.50013.63014.070
6TPE TPETSENG Wei-Sheng14.20013.40013.800
7CRO CROBENOVIC Aurel13.13014.23013.680
8EGY EGYMOHAMED Omar0.00013.9706.980
1UKR UKRKOVTUN Illia6.0008.8300.00014.830
2EGY EGYAFIFY Mohamed6.0008.0700.00014.070
3ITA ITAMOZZATO Nicolo5.6008.4300.00014.030
4ITA ITAMACCHIATI Mario5.9008.1000.00014.000
5NED NEDDE MUNCK Loran5.6008.3300.00013.930
6NED NEDSCHMIDT Casimir5.5008.3300.00013.830
7MEX MEXNUNEZ Isaac5.6008.0700.00013.670
8TUR TURBULUT Hasan4.3007.7000.00012.000
1UKR UKRKOVTUN Illia5.7008.4000.00014.100
2BEL BELGENTGES Maxime5.5008.2660.00013.766
3NED NEDSCHMIDT Casimir5.2008.3330.00013.533
4GER GERHOERR Carlo5.3008.2330.00013.533
5EGY EGYELMARAGHY Ahmed5.7007.4660.00013.166
6TUR TURKILICER Mert Efe5.1007.3000.00012.400
7MEX MEXNUNEZ Isaac4.7007.4000.00012.100
8SRB SRBDEJANOVIC Ivan4.8007.3000.00012.100

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