2024 US Nationals MAG Discussion

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Yul is only marginally better than Frederick Richard on vault. Not sure that event will secure his place.

I hope it works out that way. I want Yul on the team.
i felt like Yul's high bar was a little underscored on day 2, but I just watched back and he had a lot of errors — the Kolman is so low and caught with his head so close to the bar. But he also closes his shoulder angle on some of his front giants, which is probably a deduction the judges took.

I can't understand why he is still doing the Full Tak — it's probably a 0.6 deduction. He's better removing it and counting a giant. Same for the half-Tak — he's not even connecting it to anything. Ditch it.

I did some major score crunching and analysis to see which scenario benefits the 3 scores count for the Team Finals.

To me, there are 4 men who almost seem like givens based on score potential.

They would be Malone, Richard, Khoi Young and Moldauer. Moldauer has proven to put up big scores on FX (needed) and particularly Parallel Bars (wow).

For me, the 5th (as far as score potential) would come down to Paul Juda or Stephen Nedoroscik.

With Malone, Richard, Khoi Young, Moldauer and Juda ... you get great potential scores from Juda on FX (needed), Pommel Horse (needed) and Vault. Plus, he could be put in elsewhere if need be.

With Malone, Richard, Khoi Young, Moldauer and Nedoroscik ... you get that potential enormous score on Pommel Horse - a score that could add a potential entire point over any other contender who is not Malone or Khoi.

If you add Hong or Whittenburg to the team for Vault and Rings, you don't REALLY get a big bump, as both vaults for those guys are inconsistent and won't get huge scores due to their form, and on Rings, you still get decent enough scores from Malone/Richard/Moldauer.

As for Diab, he'd bring in a good score on Rings but not big enough and that would likely be his only apparatus.

Actually, if you add Cameron Bock, you get a potential very nice score on Pommel Horse (needed) and High Bar (consistently gets great scores there). But I think his potential comes slightly under having Juda or Nedoroscik on the team.

And sad to say, I think Whiskus is very good on everything without bringing in the potential for BIG scores on any of the team's weaknesses; ditto that for Colt Walker (who I might have said Vault and FX two years ago).

So yeah, anyone else see the same that I do in Paul Juda or Stephen Nedoroscik being the two with the best potential for big scores in the Team Finals over the other guys?
The top 4 AA are so good they can afford to bring a one eventer. But I think Stephen has to go 15+ both days of trials. That day two 14.6 ain’t gonna cut it.
Agreed. As I wrote elsewhere, it's Nedoroscik's to lose, really. If he scores big on PH twice, I can't see them leaving off that potential huge score in Team Finals. And I think Juda also is right up there with a chance for the 5th slot due to his high score potential on FX (needed) and more-than-decent PH and Vault. The other "4" comprise the other slots.
Stephen Nedoroscik

I don't like it. It concentrates too much of the risk on one event, one on which even the best of them fall. It could work out fine. It didn't before. It was a disaster.

Hoopes isn't that far out of it. It could end up being him. These pommel people make large errors or just come right off on a regular basis, even the really good ones. If they kind of mess up, they can still get a decent score, but other people who would have been on the team that could make up for it later might not be on the team or being doing events they aren't great at because a one event gymnast is on the team.

If that's the way the math works out, he should be on the team. All he has to do is hit once.

Sasha Artemev fell all over the place to the point where he was the third alternate in 2008, but he did hit when it mattered. Louis Smith only did PH for GBR when they won the bronze medal in 2012.

Nedoroscik certainly served people a bunch of STFU after a massive social media bitchfest because he was placed on the National Team this year. He went to Baku and won gold.
It sounds like there were complaints about the vault judging.
Okay, scoring aside, what the hell is that vault, is that how it is supposed to look? Is it worth so much it is worth chucking? Like a handspring double front for the women in previous quads? He is basically tucking on the table, that can't be the right technique, right?

Men's vault is so weird.
I don't get the complaint. The judges are finally taking all the correct deductions? Those vaults are all horribly done and dangerous looking. If anything I'd say the score at worlds was overly generous.
It is a Tsuk entry (half on) with a full twisting double tuck flight phase. In reality, it looks like a hot mess most of the time.

This Twitter thread has some good insight about judging
Three twists with a full. Ri Se Gwang worth 6.0 .

Tim calling the 15.1 vault.
Consistency throughout a quad is important. Judges shouldn’t be changing their framework at the end of the 4 years. And it’s rare for a domestic competition to be judged more harshly than an international one.
Well, it's not actually a full and it's not actually a half on.

It's a Kasamatsu with an extra flip. So you come off sideways and do 3/4 twist in the first salto and then the extra back flip.
So many arm chair judges.
Daggett is likely missing things, unless he's been doing practice judging on a regular basis and judging meets. Doing a lot of practice judging would be a good idea for a commentator - with someone who can give you feedback on your performance. NBC isn't expecting to provide much - he barely names skills, so I doubt it.
He's likely missing the deductions that aren't obvious.

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