2024 US Nationals MAG Discussion

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Brilliantly played.

And that’s the stupidest rule ever. Kind of shocked more men didn’t take advantage of that loophole.
He didn't stop there. He's the only other man aside from Don Don who even attempted two vaults - and both of Tate's have start values in the 4s. - like the lowest in the whole competition. If he did that the second night he's going to get a vault silver with like Jr level vaults.
I love the anarchy.

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Some people were made about Tate Costa doing this, but them's the rules.

It's like trying to climb Mt Whitney or run a marathon just to see if you can. That challenge was laid out there, and someone took it.
If the top 4 (Brody, Frederick, Khoi & Yul) keep doing what they are doing, I see them on the team. I would love to see Paul Juda step up and get the fifth spot; his gymnastics is beautiful. If not, I would be very happy for Donnell or Stephen to make the team. Wiskus also looked good. And, I was really pulling for Diab to get the specialist spot last time - great to see that he is still awesome.
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He didn't stop there. He's the only other man aside from Don Don who even attempted two vaults - and both of Tate's have start values in the 4s. - like the lowest in the whole competition. If he did that the second night he's going to get a vault silver with like Jr level vaults.
This feels almost like the movie Stick It! But I've got a lot of respect for him for even taking the time to train two vaults at that level knowing full well that these were just for funsie vaults that he would never throw at an International meet.
The men's program is taking 20 to Olympic Trials.

National Team
Fuzzy Benas
Jeremy Bischoff
Cameron Bock
Alex Diab
Asher Hong
Patrick Hoopes
Paul Juda
Brody Malone
Yul Moldauer
Stephen Nedoroscik
Curran Phillips
Frederick Richard
Colt Walker
Shane Wiskus
Donnell Whittenburg
Khoi Young

Senior Development Team
Tate Costa, Josh Karnes, Kiran Mandava, Kai Uemura
You’re erasing the national champion?
I included that I'm fine with my Brody erasure. My heart feels what it feels, and I've never pretended that my heart makes the most logical decisions.

But my personal bias aside, I'm iffy for the same reason I'm iffy about Suni (who I love): His knee/her kidneys worked out beautifully this weekend, but I would be anxious about how either one's health would hold up as they're peaking from now through August.
I included that I'm fine with my Brody erasure. My heart feels what it feels, and I've never pretended that my heart makes the most logical decisions.

But my personal bias aside, I'm iffy for the same reason I'm iffy about Suni (who I love): His knee/her kidneys worked out beautifully this weekend, but I would be anxious about how either one's health would hold up as they're peaking from now through August.
The Suni situation is kind of different as she arguable hasn’t yet shown enough to be selected. But the idea that they’d leave the national champion at home on the basis that his knee is a little delicate is crazy. However I don’t see him necessarily doing AA in Paris
The Suni situation is kind of different as she arguable hasn’t yet shown enough to be selected. But the idea that they’d leave the national champion at home on the basis that his knee is a little delicate is crazy. However I don’t see him necessarily doing AA in Paris
He is still national champ. if he wins aa at trials i would have him doing AA
Some people were made about Tate Costa doing this, but them's the rules.

It's like trying to climb Mt Whitney or run a marathon just to see if you can. That challenge was laid out there, and someone took it.

Yes he did. Luckily he was able to do it safely (relatively. Some of those landings were definitely ankle/knee crunchers). Pretty sure they will change that rule now though.
The untold story of the meet is Tate Costa making the Sr Development team. All you had to do is compete a 32 D score one day, so he did that. He didn't do it well, but he did it. With this, he earned a trip to Olympic Trials.

Day 2 he competed a total of 29.6 D score and improved his AA score by 9.9 points.

Thems the rules. There was never a minimum overall score stipulated.

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Mad respect. If Trials is your goal, then work the rules to your advantage.
Re - specialist - Daggett is not explaining the rules correctly. Nederorocsik or whoever can be on a team that isn't 0.5 higher than the next option as long as the inclusion doesn't force the team into a 3 up 3 count situation in qualifying. So if the other team has guys that can do QF worthy routines on the other 5 events that won't come into play.

He still has to average highly enough over the selection events to make it. He's recently done a pretty good job of not falling off but got one score he will have to drop if he wants to make it.

It's just the nature of pommel horse that mistakes happen to the best of them.

I'm not even sure Yul's spot is secure because he has to get through two more PH routines without major errors or he might have a problem.
The untold story of the meet is Tate Costa making the Sr Development team. All you had to do is compete a 32 D score one day, so he did that. He didn't do it well, but he did it. With this, he earned a trip to Olympic Trials.

Day 2 he competed a total of 29.6 D score and improved his AA score by 9.9 points.

Thems the rules. There was never a minimum overall score stipulated.

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HOLY CRAP. I had no idea.
I'm not even sure Yul's spot is secure because he has to get through two more PH routines without major errors or he might have a problem.

Yul's numbers on Floor/Rings/Vault/PBar keep him pretty securely in the team regardless of Pommel. If he messes up another Pommel routine, that just makes it even more likely Stephen or Paul get selected instead of someone else.

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