2023 US Classic Session 1 (Senior Women discussion)

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I had a 7.1 taking only .1 on the back full chest position and not touching artistry.
Can you offer your breakdown?

Before posting, I did have to change some 0.3 deductions to 0.1 for split positions after looking more carefully. I also had to remove some 0.1 deductions for leg form, as I simply mis-perceived a slight leg bend. My guess is that in person, I might have done better, as I do always tend to be harsher on both things when watching video.
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I just had a bunch of .1 .3 .5’s in lines, trying to match them back to their original place

Back 1/1 - leg form .1, chest .1, step .1
Switch leap - lack of split .1
Switch 1/2 - body shape .5, amplitude .1
Back tuck - rhythm .1, leg form .1
Aerial - leg form .1
LOSO - leg form .1
LOSO - leg form .1
Onodi - leg form .1
Split jump - body shape .3
Straddle jump - body shape .3, amplitude .1
2 foot BHS - leg form .1
Double pike - leg form .1, height .1, chest .1, step .3
You did take several leg form deductions that I originally had but later removed after watching again and considering her body shape.

Also, I thought the shape deductions were now .1 for individual errors, not like last Code with an overall .1, .3, .5 combined approach. You think the split jump is THAT short of 180°?

That’s 7.6 compared to my 7.7, and I actually agree on the 2-foot BHS. I forgot to write that one down, so I am actually 7.6 I guess.
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The split jump. I only took .1.
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Zoe Miller - Uneven Bars


F x 1 (Downie), 0.6
E x 3 (piked stalder full, stalder Shaposhnikova 1/2, van Leeuwen), 1.5
D x 4 (piked stalder 1/2, straddled Jaeger, Pak salto, double layout dismount), 1.6
Total DV – 3.7


E + E, one with flight x 1 (piked stalder full + stalder Shaposhnikova 1/2), 0.2
D + D, both with turn or flight x 1 (straddled stalder 1/2 + piked Jaeger), 0.1
D + F, both flight x 1 (Downie + Pak salto), 0.2

Total CV – 0.5

Dismount Bonus

double layout, (D) –> 0.2


Flight element from high bar to low bar, (Pak salto)
Flight element with regrasp to same bar, (straddled Jaeger or Downie)
Different grips, (stalder Shaposhnikova 1/2, piked Jaeger)
Non-flight element with 360 degree turn, (piked stalder full)

Total CR - 2.0

Total D – 3.7 + 0.5 + 0.2 + 2.0 = 6.4 / 6.4 credited by D panel

Possible Execution Deductions *(Denotes borderline / discretion in realtime / benefit of doubt due to angle, etc.)

piked stalder full
(flexed feet), 0.1
(angle of completion, at 45 degrees / past 45 degrees of handstand, looks like she may have regrasped bar with both hands by 45 degrees), 0.3 - 0.5*

stalder Shaposhnikova 1/2
(leg separation), 0.1

straddled Jaeger
(insufficient height, hips at high bar height upon regrasp), 0.1
(bent arms upon regrasp), 0.1 - 0.3*

cast to handstand with legs straddled
(body shape, piked hips), 0.1

(flexed feet), 0.1

Pak salto
(leg separation), 0.1

van Leeuwen
(leg separation), 0.1

cast to handstand with legs straddled
(body shape, piked hips), 0.1

cast to handstand with legs straddled
(body shape, arched body), 0.1

(bent knees), 0.1

second giant
(bent knees), 0.1

double layout
(insufficient height, hips at bar height upon release and do not go higher), 0.1

Total Execution Deductions - 1.6 - 2.0 → 8.0 - 8.4 / 8.350 E panel

Total Score - 14.4 - 14.8 / 14.750 Actual
Excuse my ignorance (I’ve stopped trying to understand the code), are there not deductions for her feet on the Onodi or the back handsprings? All of her acro skills have relaxed feet.

Also, what is the degree point where something like a switch-half does not get credited/downgraded? Maybe it’s the angle, but that switch-half Ieaves a bit to be desired.
Also, what is the degree point where something like a switch-half does not get credited/downgraded? Maybe it’s the angle, but that switch-half Ieaves a bit to be desired.
I don’t know if this was from an official source, but I remember 135 being thrown around a long time ago.
There is a lot for judges to assess in the switch leap 180°:
  • is the kick <45° or bent (if yes, then consider a shape error)
  • missing split (if yes, how much (1°-20° small, 21°- 45° medium, < 45° different element)
  • look at amount of turn on landing > 30° - different element - hips and shoulders are decisive)
Looking at Roberson’s, with the kick leg bent + split + relaxed feet, she is easily a minimum 0,3 shape and could even have a 0,5 for some attempts.
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Amalia Ghigoarta’s switch 1/2 wasn’t credited at European Championship for being too sideway.

Qiu Qiyuan’s switch 1/2 wasn’t credited at some World Cup meet for insufficient split.

Qiu Qiyuan’s switch 1/2 wasn’t credited at some World Cup meet for insufficient split.
Based on her credited D scores in Doha, Qiu Qiyuan received credit for her switch leap 1/2 and based on videos, I agree with that evaluation.
I think Roberson has better split than Qiu Qiyuan’s switch 1/2, and doesn’t split sideway like Amalia Ghigoarta’s switch 1/2. I agree it’s a 0.3 shape deduction.


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Roberson’s body type makes it difficult to parse out her amount of split, doesn’t it? Bigger muscles, more curve. She would have to oversplit to get the look others get more easily?
I noticed reading her competitive history on Wikipedia that she has won medals every competition listed since her first one as a junior in 2019. Any problems with how she’s scored didn’t just start recently.
USAG has the full replays available. That GAGE leo is really bad.
That isn’t her body type, that’s a coaching decision
I wonder how much you can change your body type though. She’s short, muscular, kind of a Zmeskal in type.

eta,: ca: 1999
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She doesn’t need to change her body type, it’s a very good body type for gymnastics. What I mean is that what we are seeing is nothing to do with body type. It’s a coaching decision. You’re right re Zmeskal, but Zmeskal had no issues attaining the required flexibility for basic skills
most of those medals are from vault. Which, good on her for taking advantage of the situation and being one of the few to do two vaults. But it wasn’t until this year that her scores on beam and floor started going through the roof. (though her bars score this weekend was a bit suspect as well)

ETA: Though the bars score isn’t nearly as suspect as Rivera’s beam score. O.M.G.
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