Zoe Miller - Uneven Bars
F x 1 (Downie), 0.6
E x 3 (piked stalder full, stalder Shaposhnikova 1/2, van Leeuwen), 1.5
D x 4 (piked stalder 1/2, straddled Jaeger, Pak salto, double layout dismount), 1.6
Total DV – 3.7
E + E, one with flight x 1 (piked stalder full + stalder Shaposhnikova 1/2), 0.2
D + D, both with turn or flight x 1 (straddled stalder 1/2 + piked Jaeger), 0.1
D + F, both flight x 1 (Downie + Pak salto), 0.2
Total CV – 0.5
Dismount Bonus
double layout, (D) –> 0.2
Flight element from high bar to low bar, (Pak salto)
Flight element with regrasp to same bar, (straddled Jaeger or Downie)
Different grips, (stalder Shaposhnikova 1/2, piked Jaeger)
Non-flight element with 360 degree turn, (piked stalder full)
Total CR - 2.0
Total D – 3.7 + 0.5 + 0.2 + 2.0 = 6.4 / 6.4 credited by D panel
Possible Execution Deductions *(Denotes borderline / discretion in realtime / benefit of doubt due to angle, etc.)
piked stalder full
(flexed feet), 0.1
(angle of completion, at 45 degrees / past 45 degrees of handstand, looks like she may have regrasped bar with both hands by 45 degrees), 0.3 - 0.5*
stalder Shaposhnikova 1/2
(leg separation), 0.1
straddled Jaeger
(insufficient height, hips at high bar height upon regrasp), 0.1
(bent arms upon regrasp), 0.1 - 0.3*
cast to handstand with legs straddled
(body shape, piked hips), 0.1
(flexed feet), 0.1
Pak salto
(leg separation), 0.1
van Leeuwen
(leg separation), 0.1
cast to handstand with legs straddled
(body shape, piked hips), 0.1
cast to handstand with legs straddled
(body shape, arched body), 0.1
(bent knees), 0.1
second giant
(bent knees), 0.1
double layout
(insufficient height, hips at bar height upon release and do not go higher), 0.1
Total Execution Deductions - 1.6 - 2.0 → 8.0 - 8.4 / 8.350 E panel
Total Score - 14.4 - 14.8 / 14.750 Actual