2020 Event Finals Day 2 MAG SR/VT WAG FX (Monday, August 2, 2021)

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How could he not when it’s left to the gymnasts to manage their own outside distractions?
Please guys - join in the judging:

I looked at D and E Panel and my floor standings are (FIG score in bold)
  1. Jess Gadirova 14.3 (tie broken on E) 14.0
  2. Carey 14.3 14.366
  3. Andrade 14.2 (tie broken on E) 14.033
  4. Murakami 14.2 14.166
  5. Melnikova 14.1 14.166
  6. Ferrari 13.9 14.2
  7. Jen Gadirova 12.9 13.233
  8. Listunova 12.3 12.4
My D Panel differed:
(1) I didn’t credit Ferrari’s Memmel or Gogean. FIG gave both.
(2) I didn’t credit the leg down double turn after Melnikova’s Double L. FIG credited.

In short - this was a fucking excellent high quality final where any of the top 6 could have won any of the medals on any given day with a different panel of judges.
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I would have been very happy with a Jessica Gadirova victory!

NBC primetime coverage starting. I’m sure they’ll utterly butcher it.
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I think what I don’t like about Jade’s FX is that it is so one level. She never alters tempo. It is all arm poses as she moves to different tumbling skills. I don’t want it to look like that crazy Nadia video from the other thread, but someone should have been able to give her something she would feel comfortable with. Obviously she could never sell even Listunova’s choreography but she could have at least been given a sarcastic, pretend you are a ballerina but are bad at it routine or something. Or pretend you are a robot gymnast and play some robot music–like, own it.
So they’ve decided to have shit coverage tonight, not even getting bronze medalist Melnikova. I remember when we got every routine whether it was a hit or not.
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So far NBC is just completely ignoring the existence of Listunova, and told us they skipped Jessica Gadirova and Melnikova. Only Jade and Vanessa so far.
I like that vanessa has skin tone booties. Maybe she can lend them to Larissa.
I mean, I’m glad we get to see Jennifer Gadirova…but of all the routines NBC could have shown, they pick this one?
Yeah, it’s like show Jade, show Vanessa because it’s her fourth Olympics and she finally medaled, then show the last two including Rebeca the AA silver medalist to build some sort of drama. The men’s event final coverage this afternoon was better.

Where can I write angry, but still rational, feedback to NBC?
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The announcer mentioned the significance of Murakami’s medal. That’s it. She doesn’t get the dignity of primetime coverage.
They had 12+ hours to produce that, and it was shit.

Thank Pod for the streams (and blessed be her name, those quad streams with zero commentary were the greatest thing to ever happen to gymnastics), otherwise we’d be stuck with this crap, tape-delayed “coverage.” But I fear that existence of the streams means NBC is deliberately producing a sub-par broadcast because they know the real fans are watching that way. The 4-year fans and casual Olympic viewer has no idea what they are missing. NBC is treating gymnastics as a sporting event.
How is it supposed to grow the sport though? Kids can’t wake up in the middle of the night to watch. I would be so disappointed if I was a sixth grader like I was in 2000.
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WAG FX was an effing good final. Best final I can remember seeing in the past decade, and I weirdly wasn’t even following alot of these routines too closely because I find FX finals so predictable and dry lately. Ferrari totally came into her own. Andrade is amazing. Mai is fabulous. The gadirova twins OWN IT. Jades dancing blows by comparison, but man can she tumble. That was a good final. Dang
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Putting this here because the day 3 thread is locked: Iordache has withdrawn. She will be replaced by Ashikawa.


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