2020 Event Finals Day 2 MAG SR/VT WAG FX (Monday, August 2, 2021)

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She just the first half almost laid out and then tucks, so it’s probably taking a body shape deduction.
Yeah, that looks like a real landing deduction with the way they are taking deductions. It’s unfortunate because the rest was so good especially that first pass and the dance skills.
No, she did not design them.

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Holy shit, Jade’s musicality, her poise and grace, her presentation … I had no idea it could be at that level at this level …
There’s a couple of ‘ballet’ type videos on their IG - they are very graceful and have a lovely ‘finish’ to their movements.
The nature of Melnikova’s business is she is the franchisee for a leotard company not previously sold in Russia. She doesn’t design them, but I imagine she chose the colour schemes. She had a big launch at the Voronin Cup one year, maybe 2019 and had a sales stand there. A few of the retired gymnasts and those who were not competing were roped into helping out. I think it all started from her just being a brand rep for them on social media.
Thank you for posting this. I heard about the Gadarovi doing these over lockdown but had never watched one until now. That was beautiful and moving. They are gems.
Just saw Jade’s floor. Poor girl can’t emote at all, but I noticed a bit of a Mona Lisa smile throughout. I liked the music. It was slow and plodding which suited her “style” perfectly. I hope she learns to cut loose a bit in college and learn to actually perform. She can keep the Mona Lisa smile. I like it.
I’m in the group that would have preferred Ferrari to win over Carey (though her routine has oddly grown on me, I think she hit her musical accents better in previous performances). I will be very interested to see the artistry deductions when the scorebook gets released. But though our Olympic champion isn’t a good example, I do think floor artistry has improved over the last quint and across the last decade.
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I think it’s fair to say that Viktoria, Angelina, Jessica, Jennifer, Mai, Vanessa and Rebeca make a effort with artistry. Jade was the outlier where here routine is all about difficulty, had Simone competed, she’d be in that camp too. She’s not as bad as Carey but her current floor is poor in that department compared with 5 years ago
I think I might be in the minority here, but I would much rather that gymnasts perform choreography cleanly (for lack of a better word – good posture, pointed toes, etc.) than that they emote. So for example, while I was very happy that Ferrari got a medal in this final, she is not one that I would say does clean choreography – her hands especially are very awkward. Another example would be most of the Belgian team, who certainly get into their performances, but do so with hunched shoulders and weird movements. I would say the trend in recent years has been more towards selling routines/emoting and less toward actually dancing well (whatever the style – ballet, hip hop, whatever).

(Of course, IMO Carey neither does her choreography cleanly nor emotes, but she sure can tumble.)
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Yes I agree. I don’t like the Dutch routines for that reason. It feels like competitive dance/musical theatre

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