US WAG Olympic trials Night 1 Discussion

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If you want to open up a new sheet/tab and play around with it (cross referring to the cells etc) then definitely I’d love that!
Is there any way to watch the non broadcast routines? I want to judge them to fill in the spreadsheet.
@Dex @JaJa
Thank you.
I brought this up as well in a group and I was shut down and immediately called a “victim shamer”.

Which I am NOT and 100% support to Nassar’s victims, but coming out with her vague story and then promoting her gymnastics academy as a solution to USAG’s evil ways just came across to me like a business advertising opportunity.
211UKRjump on YouTube had uploaded some HV versions, but just as quickly as they were uploaded they are coming down.

Leanne Wong FX:
all this Skinner talk is driving me nuts, so I have now chosen to picture this:

whenever I read skinner. Makes my life easier
yeah. Its one thing to support victims which I do. But being a victim does not give you a lifetime pass to behave any way you want to behave. I mean, most perpetrators were victims once too. Do they get a pass?
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Thanks. I had 8.0 and 3 for artistry. Couldn’t quite see the switch ring so only gave 1.

So in real time I said no credit to this (Eaker Switch Ring).

Is her back foot “at shoulder height”?

I think it’s so ridiculously close but still not quite enough for me. This is a huge D Panel call.
If Suni scratches vault for some reason, and Skinner gets another rout of overscores, Skinner could actually come Top 2 AA and get automatic selection.

Chiles only beat her by like, a few tenths?

As a GB fan this is actually quite funny. I kinda want it to happen (Suni NOT being injured, obv).

Can you imagine lol.
Tim just said that Tom is using Nationals and Trials scores for ProScore for WAG.

But for MAG, only Trials scores.
which makes sense since some of the guys were down at the Pan Ams.

Jinx! @Passion
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In other words, Skinner is going. DiCello and McCallum are in too big of a hole because of Nationals.

It is also absolutely short sighted to use “best scoring team” as a metric. The chances that the US will be fighting for tenths is slim to none. The only reason Skinner is in consideration is because Suni is both vaulting poorly and a lock.
I started a new tab. Just waiting on the creation of the Day 2 tab so I can confirm the name in my code (man, I hate that changing the name of the tabs can fork up all the code)

But, if people are looking for an “at a glance” look at where a gymnast scored at Classics, Nationals or Trials in AA by both USAG and Gymnaverse Judges, you can click here
Can someone please tell me what “Proscore” is? I’m guessing it’s some sort of program to calculate the highest scoring team. Also how does that make “DiCello and McCallum in too big of a hole” because of Nationals. Does anyone have the numbers that show this? I still have my fingers crossed for tomorrow.

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