2024 US Nationals MAG Discussion

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I have mixed feelings about the whole Brody thing.

In sports fandom, people can root for or against anyone they want for any reason. It doesn't have to be rational.

Also sports, - it's all about what you can do. Brody can do it. So what if he believes in God? It might even help the US MAG team if we have some connections with the guy upstairs. We need all the help we can get.
Who really knows what Brody thinks about anything after 4 years at Stanford? He's from a small town in Georgia, and like almost everyone else, he probably adopted the beliefs of his family and friend group.

Something similar happened with Alec Yoder. He apparently made some instagram post where he said something like marriage is between a man and a woman (I'm not sure exactly what it was), and people were all over it years later. His gay teammates showed up on social media to defend him. Alec apparently had zero trouble sharing a locker room with openly gay guys.

Similar thing is happening now. Jackson posted this and also retweeted a lot of stuff about how well Brody is doing.


I've known people from places like where Brody came from who believed a lot of things about gay people that weren't true (like being gay is a choice), but went to a big university, met some actual gay people, and changed their mind about all of it.
People do evolve throughout life and their beliefs change.
Exactly. It's very common for people to change and evolve their views as they go to college and start experiencing life independently. We should be encouraging that instead of condemning them forever due to ignorance shown as a sheltered teenager/someone in their early 20s.
Curran Phillips withdrew because of a sore thumb.
He plans to petition to Trials.
His road to Paris just got a lot harder. He will have to count low vault and high bar scores for his contribution to the team score . His way in is likely through high bar, and a score in the 13s on day 1 isn't going to help.

Yul needs to hit PH.

Hong and Whittenburg are both in contention for the SR/VT spot (if that's what is needed).
So the arena announcer says that world champ teams will be chosen...there is a world championships this year?
Was that arm circle to maintain balance and stay in bounds more of a deduction than a single step out of bounds would have been for Hong?
So the arena announcer says that world champ teams will be chosen...there is a world championships this year?

I didn't hear what he said, but did he maybe mean World Champ teams will be honored tonight? They usually do something for anniversary teams on the 2nd day of Nationals. Maybe something to commemorate the 2014 World Team? Or something to recognize the World Team from last year winning a medal.

There is no World Championships this year.

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