2024 US Nationals MAG Discussion

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With Brody and Fred both on the team, the U.S. isn't so weak on high bar. They finished 1-2 on HB with a 14.900 and a 14.400, respectively.
Yul's confirmed he tweaked something in his hip with that HB fall which had an impact on the rest of his performances, but he doesn't anticipate it will be continue to affect him beyond last night
glad to hear he thinks it is minor. The fall on PH didn't look alarming but the vault miss definitely made me go, wha? Cuz if I remember right, Yul is pretty good about only doing skills he has mastered and not throwing insane shit and praying.
Whew. Just turned it on midway through the 5th rotation and now it’s been a bit of a splatfest. I’m not going to lie, I was hoping Malone wouldn’t be up so high. I just don’t like his vibes as a human (is that rude? Whatever).
He seemed like such a nice young man during the interview yesterday. I loved seeing someone come back from injury with such success. Curious as to what you mean by not liking his vibes as a human…
Has anyone spotted the broadcast on YT yet please? Don't think I have time for the international feed tonight.
I think we will all enjoy the gymnastics this summer if we don't have to discuss non-gymnastics reasons why we don't like certain athletes in every MAG thread.

Brody is going to be on the team barring a serious injury and I'm sure I'm not the only one weary of rehashing his politics. (I'm not online enough to be up-to-date on stuff he's said or reposted online.) He seems to be a good teammate and he's a good gymnast so I'm going to try to ignore the stuff I don't like.
Khoi is a world Silver medalist on PH. His start value is as high as that of the specialists (6.5). He just needs to hit, but when he does he's the top guy in the US aside from the specialists.

He's hit PH recently - he went 15 + at MPSF and the NCAA Championship. Yeah it's NCAA, but he stayed on and did pretty well.

Fred Richard should be fine. The broadcast made it seem like he did way worse than he actually did.
He got 14 + on every event except PH, where he had a big mistake (but everyone makes those). He's not super great on PH when he hits but he's not bad. He can at least do it qualification.

Depending on who else makes the team, he might not even be needed there.
Fred Richard should be fine. The broadcast made it seem like he did way worse than he actually did.
He got 14 + on every event except PH, where he had a big mistake (but everyone makes those). He's not super great on PH when he hits but he's not bad. He can at least do it qualification.

Depending on who else makes the team, he might not even be needed there.
I think that depends on who would be the 2nd AAer, and at this point, my guess is that it will be him. So he'll have to do it during qualifications...
It's pleasant to listen to Tim talking WITH JOHN and Terry. He seems so much more relaxed and like he is ENJOYING the competition wen he is talking with them, as opposed to ANY of the previous commentators and play-by- play announcers. I think my dream team might be some combination of Terry, John, Mike Burns, and Ono No Comachi. I also like the fluff reporter VERY much! Please tell me sh hs replaced Auntie Joyce!

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