National Team camp March 12th

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We need to see it. But I cannot see them giving the +1 to someone who’s an EF threat only on one event. Theyre the built in alternate. 25% ish chance of actually being put on the main team.
Emily Lee has proven she is a solid all arounder though. She put up a 53 all around total at Winter Cup with an 11.800 on UB.

She has a DTY on VT. FX can get into the mid 13s. What is holding her back seems to be bars.
crdubb17: Lee’s Winter Cup routine has a 6.4 D score on paper. I thought there were two elements / connections that the judges could have potentially downgraded.
  • layout to two feet: The requirement is now that the body must stay completely stretched through 45 degrees after passing through vertical to receive E credit. Lee begins to pike before the 45 degree mark. This downgrade would have brought her D score down to 6.1 vs. the 6.2 that she was awarded.
  • aerial + split jump + straddle jump: The way Lee initiates the split jump with her torso and legs fixed while the arms swing forward make the connection look more ‘paused’ / slower than it actually is. Upon an initial viewing I had it flagged as something I wanted to see in replay. Perhaps the judges did not give her the benefit of the doubt which would have dropped her down to 6.2.
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Personally, I’d put it around 50%, maybe more.

I believe that with Biles, Sunisa Lee, and Carey being pretty much locks to go to Tokyo, the 6th person has to be a medal threat on bars and/or beam. I don’t think anyone will be so good on both of them that you can justify that over someone capable of 15+ on one of them.
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@Concorde That’s a really nice post you made, and I added a video, in the hope that it would help people see the points you made. Hope you don’t mind.

BTW, The execution went from 7.7 to 8.7. That’s a big jump.
I would have downgraded to pike and I would not have credited the aerial to leaps.

Maybe she got the aerial connection at Camp. But that layout isn’t quite there yet. You HAVE to separate the good from the great.

I wish they had kept the whip Salto for a D in the Code. Id prefer to give that a whip. It’s obviously not a pike back somi.
@Denn with Simone and Suni both on the team, the 6th gymnast will probably get 2perd on bars and beam!

In fact - with Simone Suni and Jade, the other 3 US girls are all going to struggle to make it out of Prelims/TF.
FYI, for any that were wondering, the reason Skinner was able to make National Team and Skye and Konnor weren’t was that she was able to petition because of being on the World’s team in 2019. Apparently otherwise she would also have to have shown all 4 to be eligible.
Except she didn’t get in as a petitioned athlete. She was announced as having been added due to performance at camp.

She should be on the NT for being the 2019 World Alternate IMO.

But so should McClain who was the other 2019 World alternate that year. Not to mention Blakely as a World team medalist herself and two time World event finalist.

USAG is claiming to be transparent, but they are really not. If Skinner made it because of her petition, list her in that, NOT through Camp. it confuses everyone.
I thought they just announced the team. Did they say everybody announced was based on camp performance? The petitions they announced after were people who weren’t at camp. If they knew they were going to accept her petition, then they might as well announce it at camp since she’s there.
Yes 3 separate announcements. Camp, Winter Cup, Petitions.
Screen Shot 2021-03-22 at 5.54.48 PM
Petition procedure was very specific about who qualified to even submit a petition:
Recommendation that if an athlete is unable to fully compete in the 2021 Winter Cup or unable to fully participate in the 2021 March National Team Camp due to extenuating circumstances (injury, illness, COVID restrictions, etc.), an athlete who meets the following requirements may petition to the 2021 National Team.
  1. An athlete who won an individual medal at World Championships in the current quad (20172019).
  2. An athlete who is currently on the National Team and won an individual medal at a World Cup in the current quad (2017-2020).
Skinner was selected, per the minutes of the selection committee, not petitioned.
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Except she didn’t get in as a petitioned athlete. She was announced as having been added due to performance at camp.

She should be on the NT for being the 2019 World Alternate IMO.

But so should McClain who was the other 2019 World alternate that year. Not to mention Blakely as a World team medalist herself and two time World event finalist.

USAG is claiming to be transparent, but they are really not. If Skinner made it because of her petition, list her in that, NOT through Camp. it confuses everyone.
Skinner was selected, based on the selection criteria. She did not meet the qualifications (posted above) to petition. Very few people qualified for petitions.

McClain and Blakely definitely didn’t meet that petition criteria! Even if you wanted to extend it to world juniors, DiCello was the only individual medalist, and she met the petition criteria by medaling at a senior World Cup all around event (Am Cup 2020).

I’ll be the first to admit I’m a bit baffled by the Skinner selection. But, the criteria was written in such a way that it gave them a lot of flexibility, particularly when it came to someone recovering from Covid. But at this point if coaches don’t realize Tom and company go with the straight AA results 99% of the time, that’s on them. I wish we knew why the decision was made not not have Blakely and McClain do AA. Because it seems rather inexplicable–though that is easy for me to say, lying in bed typing on a phone screen.
Does anyone have the complete set of Junior scores. The only list I saw didn’t seem to be complete.
Oh I know. Which is why I posted that she didn’t get a petition as she didn’t meet criteria, so unsure why the initial post said she petitioned as an alternate.

I do think that both 2019 World Teams and the two alternates should have been able to petition considering how short a season 2020 was.
BTW- Petitioned athletes were at camp, they just didn’t verify routines in the mock meet.
Thank you, I had seen that but it doesn’t include Joscelyn Roberson and Ella Kate Parker which is odd as they are named to the camp and on the photos. They both competed recently at the Winter Cup so I’m not quite sure why they didn’t compete. Any ideas?
They earned their national team spots from their top-4 finishes at Winter Cup. They did not need to verify routines at camp. They attended camp but didn’t verify.

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