2022 Winter Cup Women's Discussion February 26, 2022

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There is a junior and senior team competition and a mixed competition which is MAG and WAG.
The formats are just odd and complicated.

From what I remember they only have 4 junior and 4 senior teams. So meh. Almost everyone gets a shiny.

And the mixed team they do 3 pieces (I think 2 gymnasts on each?) and then the bottom teams are dropped out and the top teams compete on their last apparatus (only 4 for men too). But scores are zeroed so basically it just goes on your last piece who actually wins. Really odd.
Konnor McClain - Balance Beam


1 x F (tucked full)
2 x E (layout to two feet, double pike dismount)
2 x D (aerial, side aerial)

Total Acro DV - 2.4


1 x E (switch ring leap)
1 x D (switch leap 1/2)
1 x C (switch leap)

Total Dance DV - 1.2

CV / Series Bonus

back handspring stepout + back handspring to two feet + layout to two feet (B + E acro) = 0.1 CV + 0.1 SB

switch leap + switch leap 1/2 (C + C or more dance) = 0.1 CV

aerial + split jump + straddle jump (D + B + B) = 0.1 CV + 0.1 SB

back handspring stepout + back handspring to two feet + double pike dismount = 0.1 SB

Total CV / SB = 0.6

Dismount Bonus

double pike (E) - 0.2


Dance Series - switch leap + switch leap 1/2 or split jump + straddle jump
Turn - full turn
Acro Series with Salto - back handspring stepout + back handspring to two feet + layout to two feet
Acro Elements in Different Directions - tucked full + aerial

Total D - 3.6 + 0.6 + 0.2 + 2.0 = 6.4

Elements or Connections Not Credited

switch ring leap - Back foot below crown of head, credit as switch leap → Repeated element, count either split jump or straddle jump as one of the dance elements

Total D - 3.3 + 0.6 + 0.2 + 2.0 = 6.1


pause (prior to tucked full) 0.1

tucked full
(body posture / low chest on landing) 0.1

layout to two feet
(leg separation) 0.1

full turn
(adjustment) 0.1

switch leap + switch leap 1/2
(poor rhythm of connection) 0.1

switch leap 1/2
(body shape) 0.1

(bent knee) 0.1

aerial + split jump
(poor rhythm of connection) 0.1

side aerial
(small balance adjustment) 0.1

adjustment (prior to switch ring leap) 0.1

switch ring leap
(body shape → insufficient arch, which is a small fault + rear foot at shoulder height, which is a medium fault) 0.5

double pike
(insufficient height) 0.1
(body posture / low chest on landing) 0.1
(step on landing) 0.1

  • Insufficient involvement of body parts (0.1)
  • Insufficient variation in rhythm and tempo (0.1)
  • Exercise as a series of disconnected elements and movements (0.1) (In particular, the long setups prior to three of her major skills / connections broke up the fluency of the routine as a whole.)
Total Deductions - (2.1) 7.9 / Actual 8.500
Konnor McClain - Uneven Bars

2 x E (Church / piked toe-on Tkatchev, van Leeuwen)
4 x D (weiler kip 1/2, Shaposhnikova from stalder entry, giant 1 1/2, Pak salto)
1 x C (double pike dismount)
1 x B (giant)

Total DV - 3.1


weiler kip 1/2 + Shaposhnikova from stalder entry + giant 1 1/2 (D + D or more, both with turn or flight and D flight from low bar to high bar + C or more with turn or flight on high bar) - 0.1 + 0.2 = 0.3

Church + Pak salto (D + D or more, both with turn or flight) - 0.1

Total CV - 0.4

Dismount Bonus


Flight from high bar to low bar - Pak salto
Flight element on same bar - Church
Different Grips - weiler kip 1/2, Shaposhnikova from stalder entry
Non-flight with 360 degree turn - giant 1 1/2

Total D - 3.1 + 0.4 + 0.0 + 2.0 = 5.5 (5.4 with the intended giant full)

Elements or Connections not Credited

giant 1 1/2 → Swing element with turn did not reach within 10 degrees of handstand, element drops in value by one letter (Element is still eligible for CV)

giant 1/2 → Swing element with turn did not reach within 10 degrees of handstand, element drops in value by one letter (No impact on D score because it’s not a counting element)

Total D - 3.0 + 0.4 + 0.0 + 2.0 = 5.4


glide kip
(insufficient extension) 0.1

weiler kip 1/2
(leg separation) 0.1

Shaposhnikova from stalder entry
(leg separation on backswing) 0.1 (note potentially greater than shoulder width, but gave benefit of the doubt)
(bent knees on backswing) 0.3

giant 1 1/2
Actual deductions limited to 0.8 due to no fall, but in theory could have included all of the below:
(bent knees) 0.1
(leg separation) 0.1
(angle of completion → past 45 degrees of handstand) 0.5
(bent knees) 0.5

(bent knees) 0.5

giant 1/2
(angle of completion → between 31 and 45 degrees of handstand) 0.3

(flexed feet) 0.1

Pak salto
(leg separation) 0.1
(body shape / excessive arch) 0.1

van Leeuwen
(leg separation) 0.1

(bent knees) 0.3

(bent knees) 0.3

double pike
(bent knees on giant swing) 0.1
(step on landing) 0.1

Total Deductions - (3.4) 6.6 / Actual 7.050
Skye Blakley - Uneven Bars

2 x E (Ricna, van Leeuwen)
3 x D (piked Jaeger, Pak salto, toe-on full)
1 x C (toe-on 1/2)
2 x B (cast to handstand, double tuck dismount)

Total DV - 2.9


Ricna + Pak salto (D + D or more, both with turn or flight) - 0.1

Total CV - 0.1

Dismount Bonus



Flight from high bar to low bar - Pak salto
Flight element on same bar - piked Jaeger
Different Grips - toe-on 1/2, piked Jaeger
Non-flight with 360 degree turn - toe-on full

Total D - 2.9 + 0.1 + 0.0 + 2.0 = 5.0

Elements or Connections not Credited



cast to handstand
(body shape / slight pike in hips) 0.1

toe-on 1/2
(angle of completion → between 31 and 45 degrees of handstand) 0.3 / 0.5 (borderline, looks to have fully regrasped bar just at 45 degrees)

piked Jaeger
(insufficient height) 0.1
(flexed feet) 0.1

cast to handstand with legs straddled
(body shape / slight pike in hips) 0.1

(flexed feet) 0.1

Pak salto
(leg separation) 0.1 (feet were potentially slightly greater than shoulder width at the very top, but difficult to tell from the angle)
(flexed feet) 0.1

van Leeuwen
(lack of precision) 0.1

toe-on full
(angle of completion → past 45 degrees of handstand) 0.5

double tuck
(step on landing) 0.1

Total Deductions - (1.7 - 1.9) 8.1 - 8.3 / Actual 8.150
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(bent knees on backswing) 0.3
(bent knees) 0.5

(bent knees) 0.3

(bent knees) 0.3
Are they really this bad?
Upon seeing the slow-motion replay where NBC showed the stalder Shaposhnikova from the alternate angle, I would lean toward 0.1. The original angle where you can also see the leg separation makes the bend look more severe.

For the giant where I deducted 0.5, this is actually for the break at the top of the swing on the ‘extra’ giant following the planned giant full.

For the two giants leading into the dismount, the angle looked to be past 45 / 135 degrees.
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I took .5 for each of those two leg breaks at DTB. It was REALLY bad.
Each one took a year of my life. I don’t know what the judging equivalent was though
The second screen shot really looks like she’s about to fall and valeri is motioning to try to grab her. So, 8.8
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