2022 Winter Cup Women's Discussion February 26, 2022

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Yeah, it’s not cute AT ALL. She came to CGA from another gym, and I get MLT is trying to fix what appears to be the poor technique Parker learned at her old gym, but, wow, maybe just stick with the FTY for now? Girl isn’t eligible for senior competition until 2024, for crying out loud.
For Alipio floor, USAG gave 5.0. I gave a 4.9 with a downgrade to the double L, but crediting the Switch Ring and Memmel.

Looks like they credited the Double L and Memmel, but downgraded the Switch Ring.
Isn’t Alipio’s planned D a 5.2? With the fall on the double pike that would mean a maximum of 5.0, so if that’s what the judges gave her, they didn’t downgrade any of her dance elements.
I had:

DB(first revolution leg is not horizontal, downgrade to B)C(my instinct on this was to downgrade to B, foot not at head height - but a still image, its so hard to tell, benefit to gymnast)CD(just)CC1DD(why on earth is she??) no DMT bonus = 4.9


Ok I added it wrong. Thanks for spotting!

What do you think? If we don’t credit Switch Ring and Double L its a 4.7. If we give Double L, it’s a 4.9.

Would you give the Double L?
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Re Parker’s vault - It’s the sort of thing the rules just couldn’t foresee because it goes against every common sense safety rule anyone’s ever been taught. Imagine how much we’d take the mick out of the COP if it prohibited having something in your mouth while vaulting!

I wonder if she can do a FTY without this? Has anyone seen her layout timers?
Nearly every video of Parker is behind the Flo paywall. Here’s her FTY from last year, but the angle is terrible.

Agreed, but I don’t think it is super dangerous and I will ask low level/recreation students to bite their leotard a few times when learning hip circles on bars, so they can feel the effects their head position has on this skill.

An athlete of this level who is in the gym so much should ideally have better awareness of their body in space and if not should be utilizing other drills/preparation activities to fix the issue and going back to basics. Head position makes a huge difference, so Parker would probably benefit from specific work to understand/feel this for all her skills. Using any sort of ‘hack’ for difficult skills in high level competition is concerning.
Right. It’s one thing to use tools like that as a learning aid, especially for rec kids. I once had a rec kid who needed his hands held down to do a forward roll to stop him from just bailing and not rolling. He was a really unathletic kid who was somehow scared of the wedge mat. That’s an extreme example, but even that kid learned to do an independent forward roll down a wedge mat without the aid.

There is a definitely a difference between what counts as dangerous for a forward roll, handstand or backhip circle, and a DTY. It’s so much easier to knock your teeth out or otherwise injure yourself with high level skills that have more force and velocity. It doesn’t look like she’s biting anything in the earlier comp video, so I would hope this is the first and last time we see her do this in competition.
Usually I’d have my gymnasts tuck a foam block under their neck. I think it’s better way to learn how to keep your head in the proper position since it forces you to initiate from the neck/spine. I’ve done the biting your shirt thing as a gymnast myself and it kinda feels like the only thing keeping your head in proper place is tension from your teeth/jaw, and it’s generally just uncomfortable.
start putting her in leos that don’t have a high enough neckline for her to do that. I thought you guys meant she did it before her run as one of those hype-me-up things or ritual things (like how Mykayla always did kinda bull-pawing-the-ground thing before she started running) but she did it through the whole skill and through the salute. I’d say that shows an unpreparedness to do the skill.
I was pleasantly surprised by how good Fraizer’s leaps were on beam. Especially since they didn’t look as good when she did floor. I can’t be arsed to look up her other routines but I had the overall impression that her beam form was icky.

I thought lounges were allowed this quad. I’d much rather see a controlled lunge then all the hops at the end of the tumbling passes.
I thought lounges were allowed this quad. I’d much rather see a controlled lunge then all the hops at the end of the tumbling passes.
I thought they were as well. Neither Tim nor Nastia said anything on the broadcast(unless I missed it). Hopefully more than 2-3 gymnasts will actually score above a 14 with those deductions gone
really? Well EFF… I got my hopes up… someone earlier said they were coming back
I did…that was in the initial COP…I guess it was removed from the final draft.
oh well… bringing back lunges would require nothing from the FIG except to say it and it would make FX a little more watchable. I would rather see a lunge than someone try to stick and awkwardly bounce out of a pass
If I remember correctly, the WTC discussed the lunge proposal with coaches at 2019 Worlds. However, the coaches were actually not in favor of the change.
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DTB assignments from Winter Cup

Senior Team:
Konnor McClain
Skye Blakely
eMjae Frazier
Nola Matthews
Ashlee Sullivan

Junior Team:
Myli Lew
Ella Murphy
Ella Kate Parker
Hezly Rivera
Tiana Sumanasekera

Senior Mixed Cup team:
Karis German
Katelyn Jong
Levi Jung-Ruivivar
Mixed Team Cup…does that mean they will compete with MAG?

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