DTB Pokal 2023

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utterly horrible leaps and jumps. Can’t even bear to talk about the onodi. What did it score?
That Onodi is absolutely gross. Why is it still in her routine?!
It’s so unnecessary. She’s already performing a C acro (LOSO) that isn’t counting (her 5 acro is the LOSO mount, Full, Aerial Carthwheel, Onodi and Double Pike). Currently she’s only doing those LOSOs for CV and CR.

She’s doing that whole skill for one tenth. In what universe is any coach looking at that skill and thinking it’s deduction free? That’s the only way it would ever increase her score. Just count the damn C.
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Yeah I thought so. And there’s no way she’s ever going to be able to connect it to anything. It’s a skill that she can’t do on the floor without deductions. She doesn’t have the flexibility
Roberson’s is even worse than that. She can’t even make the half turn.

I miss Mitch
Her mount was so flat, no wonder she fell. Her LOSOs are very Shawn Johnson and I mean that as a slur.

Screenshot 2023-04-10 at 9.09.10 PM

That’s one hell of a cheated Onodi. It looked almost like a cartwheel to me in real time on the first watch.
I was just thinking that when watching junior worlds. I really dislike Olly Hogben or whatever he is called. He just talked about the US girls all the time and made excuses for them. Sap commentary.
Thank you! I thought maybe I was just being a debby downer, but I can’t listen to him. Sappy is a great description. I appreciate the effort but it’s so cloying.

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