2024 WAG Qualifications Subdivision 3 (MG 6 Blanco JPN MG 4 PHI/NZL NED) Sunday July 28 8:50 am ET

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If we've learned anything from Worlds in the past five years, it's less about being the third best team on paper, and more about grabbing the openings that present themselves. Italy 2019, Canada 2022 and France 2023 weren't really in people's predictions.
Nor GB in 2021, my prelims premonition aside.
Netherlands needs to average 13.611 on beam to pass Romania, Japan just needs a 12.755 average on vault.
12.5 for Volleman.

Edit: looks like Japan will have no problem passing Romania. Unless they biff their last TWO vaults.
51.465 AA total for GRB. She won't make the AA final with that, but if she hadn't scrambled the double tuck landing on floor it could've been a close run thing.
someone needs to turn the sound down on vault. Every time they land, I think it is the sound of ankles crunching. 🤮
Any know what vault Finnegan did for a 2nd vt? It was a 4.0
There is a whistler in the crowd who really loves Japan, LOL
I wonder how Levi's holding up? Wasn't a great beam score, but definitely not a meltdown score either
Did you see she had an anaphylactic reaction a few days ago? I wouldn't be surprised if she was still struggling. My last one required steroids, my inhaler, and aggressive antihistamines for two weeks and I felt awful for at least 3 weeks.
I was thinking that bars were super loud
I know Becky Downie always pings the bar when she releases for the dismount but it definitely wakes you up and makes you think something is going wrong.

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