Simone’s Gold Over America Tour

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Honestly I think people read too much into it, she’s bigging up someone who’s on her tour. Probably a lot of people who read that won’t know enough to have an opinion anyway.
Simone’s also constantly walking the line of having people mad at her because they think she’s being falsely humble and people being mad because admitting her skill is seen as arrogant. She’s just acknowledging Jade had a great routine and backing up her teammate and coworker and trying to be nice.
Most of us have the good fortune to not have every single word or phrase we utter or post on social media interpreted, dissected and mulled over endlessly.
Sure. But does that mean I can’t give my opinion unless it’s positive?

I’m not even being mean. I’m a Simone fan.
Sure. But does that mean I can’t give my opinion unless it’s positive?

I’m not even being mean. I’m a Simone fan.
not at all. I was just saying.

and i knew you were not being mean.
Some people have mentioned that Simone not winning any golds in Tokyo have hurt the tour, but I think Simone has a big enough name to have carried it, I just think the many planned tour stops were over ambitious and by the sounds of it some of the ticket prices are insanely expensive and the current pandemic probably doesn’t help either.
Some people have mentioned that Simone not winning any golds in Tokyo have hurt the tour, but I think Simone has a big enough name to have carried it, I just think the many planned tour stops were over ambitious and by the sounds of it some of the ticket prices are insanely expensive and the current pandemic probably doesn’t help either.
In my opinion, it is not that Biles not winning any golds hurt the tour, it is that Biles “quit” on her team and people have decided not to go see a “quitter”.

Unfortunately, there are a good chunk of Americans that feel this way as well and lots of conservative, right wing social media platforms have painted her in this narrative with many authors condemning her actions.

My cousin’s children wanted to go to the tour stop in Atlanta, however my very conservative aunt (their grandma) who was planning to take them has told them they can’t go because Biles is not a good role model having quit on her team and her country.

Ignorance is powerful.
In my opinion, it is not that Biles not winning any golds hurt the tour, it is that Biles “quit” on her team and people have decided not to go see a “quitter”.
I do not think it is really possible to parse out which aspect of what went down in Tokyo with Simone is impacting the sales of Tour tickets. Or what percentage of unsold tickets is a result of her being perceived as a “quitter” v.s. her not winning any Gold medals v.s. not being able to compete in most EFs. It is, however, likely the overall situation , the sum of what happened to Simone in Tokyo, how it was handled or mishandled, how it was dealt with by the media, how it was perceived by her fans.
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I did buy my ticket finally. I’m pretty excited to go. I prefer competitions, but it might be awhile before another one is in the Chicago area.
To sit in the lower bowl in DC is going to be over $100 per ticket after fees, at a minimum. And that’s the last few rows in the corners. Want to sit in decent seats in the lower level and attend the Chalk Talk? $516 for 2 seats. Floor seats? $325 per person, without chalk talk and before fees. To see exactly 1 Tokyo gold medalist. And this in a metro area where people have lots of disposable income. Absofuckinglutely insane.
While we’re kinda on the subject can I say how much I detest the term “twisties”. I dunno where it came from (I had never heard it before Tokyo) but I find it too juvenile sounding for something that’s serious and potentially fatal.
It’s a combination of factors the tour is overpriced, we are still in a pandemic and outside of Simone there aren’t a lot of big names. The prices are pretty ridiculous.

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