Simone’s Gold Over America Tour

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It’s got to be very hard to sell tickets to an under 12 audience when many arenas have vaccine or covid test mandates.
The arena vaccine mandates do not apply to children under 12.
That said, parents might be leery of bringing children under 12 to a packed indoor arena because the children are NOT vaccinated. Even though older than 12 have to be vaccinated, it doesn’t mean they can’t be positive without symptoms (or mild) and pass it to unvaccinated children.

It is more likely that the adults are not vaccinated and cannot bring their children.

My uncle and aunt almost died from Covid two weeks ago and they are still anti mask and anti vax. Now they have “natural immunity” and their trust in the healing powers of Jesus.
Yes, but they have to provide a negative test, which in itself can be a hassle.

I think these are absolutely the right precautions to take, but you can easily see how that might depress ticket sales.
I’m still super interested in how much the gymnasts are all getting paid. Skinner’s VLOG shows them all on pretty fancy tour buses and hotels.

There’s a ton of mouths to feed from a lot of half-empty stadium shows…
I wonder how much they’re paying Chellsie. Must be pretty chunky for her to leave her kids for two months. 20-30K?
I thought it was in the 20-30 ballpark. I imagine the more high profile Olympians are getting more.

Given there’s like 20 gymnasts - that’s a pretty huge talent payroll…
And the show itself looks expensive. That’s a lot of lighting and rigging and equipment. Not like USAG’s level 7 meet tossing a few mats on the floor and calling it good.
I went tonight with friends. It was fun, but not worth the price of the tickets (for a group of adults). Lots of the usual dancing and posing and layouts and aerials, but some bigger skills too–several people had double layouts and double doubles on the rod floor, a bunch of half routines on bars (including a Bhardwaj), and we got a Biles I. At intermission we moved from our decent seats to much closer ones in an empty row, and it was a good decision. The beam stuff was probably the most disappointing and had the least difficulty. Laurie was great as the MC, Morgan was hype person on the floor. Lots of themes of mental health, teamwork, and taking care of and trusting yourself, using your voice. Production values were decent, and everything looked safe.

All said and done, it was a fun evening, and my throat will probably be sore tomorrow. I would not do it again for the price, though–tickets would need to be maybe half what they were for me, but I’m admittedly not the target audience. And if tickets had gone on sale a month later, I wouldn’t have done it at all–I’ll be quarantining until I get a negative test.
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Yeah, testing unwilling 6 year olds is sufficiently unpleasant that a lot of parents simply aren’t going to choose a leisure activity that requires it. Putting on this sort of event in a pandemic is really hard. Some people will be put off big events by covid itself, some by covid precautions, and there’s nothing much that organisers of a show can do about it. Just one of those things. If you’re a sufficiently hot ticket that you can still sell out even without people in either of those groups attending, no problem, but this was never going to be in that category.
She did. Nothing huge or her best, but she was in the bars performances and did some college-level passes on floor
I think it was Mélanie, but I am admittedly exhausted this morning–she also did a dlo 1/1 dismount. Ellie was doing her competition bars dismount too, and there were several ftdbs off bars. There were several shaposh and shaposh 1/2s, Jordan did her Maloney to geinger (and if I should be spoiler tagging this, someone please tell me), Chellsie did some decent sections of her routines, but no arabian.

No full routines, most people weren’t doing their hardest stuff, but there were some very decent skills being thrown, intermixed with a lot of fluff–which makes sense, because you can’t go out and even do D and E skills nonstop for two hours. And being fifteen feet away from the bars when they were doing some of the bigger skills was pretty cool
From the looks of instagram and Myk’s vlog they did like 5-10 (depending who you were) x 13 hour days and then rolled straight into the first show. Seems extremely stressful to me but I guess everything was basically set and they just came in and learned their parts?
It’s going to be interesting for the NCAA women who are going almost straight from this to their college competition season. I imagine doing Coach Chellsie’s conditioning on top of the rehearsals/performances will help them stay in the right kind of shape for that. Plus the ones going back to elite right after this. Do Canada or France have competitions mid-winter? Chellsie will have pacing for Winter Cup in the back of her mind, although that’s not until late February, so she’ll have 3.5 months for that

I also suspect that if we compared notes across shows, we could probably get a pretty good set of guesses as to what the college routines will look like based on what skills/combinations the NCAA-bound athletes show over the course of the tour
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I went tonight. The whole thing was much better than I was expected. It helped that upgraded all of the not cheap noseblood tickets to fill in the bottom rows near the stage so we ended up in the fifth row. The choreography was much better than past tours and there were isolated higher level skills. Laurie did a great job as MC and they had professional dancers backing up some of the routines.

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