Simone’s Gold Over America Tour

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It’s a combination of factors the tour is overpriced, we are still in a pandemic and outside of Simone there aren’t a lot of big names. The prices are pretty ridiculous.
All that too. But I do think that Simone has lost some of her star power.
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What are the fees on that event? I was looking at getting Trans-Siberian Orchestra tickets and the fees are like $10/ticket (which is about 20% on top of the cost of the ticket) and it doesn’t seem like they go down the more tickets you buy… definitely feels like a scam.
I think it is too expensive and they didn’t win gold as a team when everyone assumed they would. And Simone isn’t Olympic Champion. These sort of shows are more appealing to part time gymnastics fans I think and little kids than serious gymnastics followers. Those are the things that pull in more part time punters.
I mean, I don’t really mind about that.

People can choose whether to go to this or go to Olympic Trials or American Cup etc.

Let Simone make her money.

I wonder how much they’re paying Chellsie. Must be pretty chunky for her to leave her kids for two months. 20-30K?
Does anyone here work in tours / talent industry? I’d love to know what the going rate is. Do all the gymnasts get paid the same? For example - is she paid more than Ellie Black? I imagine someone out there holds a spreadsheet and its pretty secret. If I was a gymnast performing I’d be asking everyone what they’re getting haha.

I’m sure they won’t have made them sign NDAs? Maybe they snuck in a confidentiality clause into the performer agreement. Standard issue - but kinda defeats the general vibe they have going on with mental health / me too etc.
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I’m seeing clips online and the stadiums look 50-60% full…
I would have liked to go, regardless of what medals were won; but honestly, due the whole Covid situation, I just couldn’t fit it in my budget now. I’d guess this is the case for many people right now.
i agree…and also, it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. I personally don’t like the “show” type gymnastics. Never have. I’d much rather watch a competition than an overpriced “show” of flashy dancing/lights and loud music. I like to go to the Classics (both sessions are great, but I really love to watch the junior session…they are fun to watch) and Trials. Thats where I’d spend my money

Way back when, I offered to take my daughter (who was 8 at the time) to the tour after 2008…she declined. Even though she should’ve been the target audience, she just wanted to watch good gymnastics, not a production. So, I took her to the Olympic Trials instead…she LOVED it.
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yep. Totally this. And add to this list that it is a tour- not a meet. So it pretty much eliminates older “serious” gymnasts from going. My L10 would LOVE to go to nationals or trials or American Cup, but laughed out loud at the idea of going to this tour. One of the moms of her teammate bought tickets (also a L10) and she does not want to go- its kind of a joke among the girls. Definitely a draw for littles but a deterrent for teens. All that dancing and waving of arms- they are just not into it. Also, to be quite honest, all the littles doing the dancing on stage etc is just a bit much for any girl over the age of like 11.
I wonder if they were aiming for a teen girl audience with all the mental health awareness parts of the show.

I imagine it wouldn’t really resonate with a 6yo as much as it would a 14yo.
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Maybe some Texas tour dates are cancelled because the COVID rates in Texas are high and they can’t find accommodations where employees are vaccinated, tested, or masked.
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I heard the official reason was a “scheduling conflict” but that might be BS
Something I’ve been wondering – where did they have time to choreograph and rehearse? Between the pandemic preventing/disrupting even normal training and then the postponed Olympics pushing everything back a year, how did they plan out the performances?
Surely people who can’t get vaccinated are exempted from Vaccine mandates?

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