Serita Mikako - Uneven Bars Final
D Score
F x 1 (Downie), 0.6
E x 1 (van Leeuwen), 0.5
D x 4 (pak salto, straddled Jaeger, toe-on full, full twisting double tuck dismount), 1.6
C x 1 (clear hip), 0.3
B x 1 (giant to blind change), 0.2
Total DV - 3.2
Downie + Pak salto
(D + F, both with flight), 0.2
toe on full + full twisting double tuck dismount
(D + D, both with turn or flight), 0.1
Total CV - 0.3
Dismount Bonus
full twisting double tuck (D), 0.2
- Flight element from high bar to low bar, (Pak salto)
- Flight element with regrasp to same bar, (Downie, or straddled Jaeger)
- Different grips, (clear hip, straddled Jaeger)
- Non-flight element with 360 degree turn, (toe-on full)
Total CR - 2.0
Total D - 3.2 + 0.3 + 0.2 + 0.2 = 5.7
Elements or Connections Not Credited
clear hip
- Did not finish within 10 degrees of handstand → drops to a B element
- Loss of 0.1 in D Score
giant 1/2
- Did not reach within 10 degrees of handstand → drops to A element
- Not counting element, no impact on D Score
Total D - 3.1 + 0.3 + 0.2 + 0.2 = 5.6
E Score
cast to handstand with legs straddled
(body posture / piked hips), 0.1
piked stalder full
(lack of precision / pirouette off-axis), 0.1
cast to handstand with legs straddled
(body posture / piked hips), 0.1
cast to handstand with legs straddled
(body posture / piked hips), 0.1
(insufficient height, hips at high bar height upon regrasp), 0.1
cast to handstand with legs straddled
(body posture / piked hips), 0.1
van Leeuwen
(leg separation), 0.1
(lack of precision / body not fully rotated upon regrasp), 0.1
cast to handstand with legs straddled
(body posture / piked hips), 0.1
clear hip
(bent arms), 0.1
(body posture / piked hips), 0.1
(angle of completion, between 11 and 30 degrees of handstand), 0.1
giant to blind change
(angle of completion, between 11 and 30 degrees of handstand), 0.1
(body posture, arch), 0.1
straddled Jaeger
(flexed feet), 0.1
(insufficient height), 0.1
cast to handstand with legs straddled
(body posture / piked hips), 0.1
giant 1/2
(angle of completion, between 11 and 30 degrees of handstand), 0.1
toe-on full
(angle of completion, between 31 and 45 degrees of handstand, looks to be at 45 degrees when the second hand has regrasped the bar), 0.3
full twisting double tuck dismount
(bent knees on giant swing), 0.3 - 0.5
(flexed feet), 0.1
(body posture on landing), 0.1
(small hop on dismount), 0.1
Total Deductions - 2.4 - 2.6, E Score - 7.4 - 7.6, Actual E Score - 7.633