Winter Cup Junior Women

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I guess we won’t be seeing these routines.

Can’t be surprised by that. Flo wouldn’t have signed a deal that gave them exclusivity for a day.

I honestly don’t know that I mind this. Flo is a disgusting organization that should be fully boycotted. They do not deserve YouTube views any more than they deserve our subscription dollars. The coverage situation is certainly bad for the sport, but a little less visibility in exchange for getting Flo off the damn floor, where they have absolutely no right to be after what they did, is worth it.

I will continue to support the juniors by watching training videos and fan videos. I’m very sorry for all the athletes who keep getting stuck in the crossfire.
So they can guarantee that those juniors remain a mystery, and so lose the hope of keeping fans.

The dad of Jos, who won first place beam, sent me the video through twitter, I feel there will be a black market trade going on for routines.
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Not to mention the seniors who competed with the juniors.
I mean, does Flo have copyright to all videos taken at the event or only the ones taken by their people? Because why couldn’t a parent put on facebook live and stream their kid’s routine and then archive it to youtube or whatever? Probably the quality wouldn’t be as good as Flo’s video (though I’ve heard things about flo’s video quality) but it shouldn’t become property of flo unless there are lots of new small print things when you buy a ticket to an event flo is filming…
I know previously videos would be flagged for removal. Flo, then gymnastike, was very vigilant about having video removed.
USAG named the Ella Kate Parker (CGA), Joscelyn Roberson (North East Texas Elite), Madray Johnson (WOGA), Charlotte Booth (Brandy Johnson’s), and Nola Matthews (Airborne). to the national team There are some open spots to be named. 2019-2020 national team members who are still juniors are Katelyn Jong and Kaliya Lincoln, so we’ll see if either of those girls get added. other obvious options are Levi Jung-Ruivivar, who finished 6th AA and won bars, and Paloma Spiridonova who won floor.

There’s a national team camp coming up, so I think thye are waiting to name the rest of the team until after that.
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@makam I think we’ll just have to watch what happens. This gymnast’s parents or friends uploaded her routine. It hasn’t been removed yet.
There are also the seniors who went on Sunday. Kind of sucks that they just got shoved out of view there.
they are basically holding the parents and relatives to ransom to pay flo/gymnaskike which is shite. Nothing good will every come of this deal with flo/gymnastike. They are garbage.

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