US Nationals 2022 Senior Women Day 2

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I wonder if just dialing it back to one vault would ever happen, or make sense. Training two vaults is clearly not easy.
I wonder if just dialing it back to one vault would ever happen, or make sense. Training two vaults is clearly not easy.
It isn’t easy but look at the World Cup circuit…lots of lower ranked countries doing two vaults, even if not the most difficult. If you can do a DTY you are capable of another vault. A Lopez, Pod, FTY, piked front half, etc
The spreadsheet shows Jade’s Day 1 Cheng as having 5.8D instead of 5.6 and Skye’s DTY as being 5.2 instead of 5.0
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Shilese, Konnor, and Leanne (if recovered) should do AA in qualifications at Worlds. Jade for Vault + Floor. Last person on team should be whoever fills best for Bars + Beam. I think Kayla DiCello fills that role best if she can fix her silly Bars composition. Why are we not doing Weiler 1/2 + Maloney + Tkatchev, Toe 1/1 + Downie + Pak + Van Leeuwen, Dismount? That’s the base routine I’d be trying to have most elites aim for.
I think she might have saved it if she hadn’t landed right on the edge of the mat.


angry tyra banks GIF
Remember when a bunch of people criticized Gabby Douglas’ hair, mannerisms, and everything except her gymnastics during two Olympics? Those people would have a seizure upon seeing the nationals podium this year.
I think a lot of people just don’t like Gabby. I don’t see other black gymnasts being criticised in this way

The US national team has had a significant number of black gymnasts for years now. I doubt having an all black podium is making anyone mad
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If there is an article written about it on a mainstream (non-Black oriented) platform, scroll through the comment section and you will see the abundance of hate and madness.
I guarantee.
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think a lot of people just don’t like Gabby. I don’t see other black gymnasts being criticised in this way
I think that is very true. I think there was just a good deal of personal dislike towards Gabby which had nothing to do with race. You can not attribute everything to race. MyKayla Skinner gets tons of dislike thrown her way. Is that because she’s a Mormon? No. Its because people just dislike her as an individual.
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Using just scores from nationals and no common sense logic about having back-ups, prior experience ect, the best teams by the numbers are:

Using average scores across both nights of competition:

McClain- AA in prelims, VT, BB & FX in TF
Jones - VT, UB & FX in prelims and TF
Chiles- AA in prelims and TF
Wong- UB & BB in prelims, UB in TF
Alipio- VT, BB & FX in prelims and BB in TF

Using the highest score on each event across both nights of competition:

McClain- AA in prelims, VT, UB & BB in TF
Jones - AA in prelims and TF
Chiles- AA in prelims, UB & FX in TF
Carey- VT, UB & FX in prelims, VT & FX in TF
Alipio- BB in prelims and TF

Obviously it’s extremely unlikely that Alipio makes the team as a balance beam specialist, given that she didn’t even win the event at nationals (and she’s not usable on other events) but I thought it was interesting that going just based on scores, she’s on the team.

Very dependent on what happens at camp and where everyone is at that time but I would currently take:

McClain, Jones and Chiles as the core team members and then build around them. I would take Carey due to a likely vault medal which leaves one spot. That teams is weakest on UB and BB. Both Wong and DiCello fill that hole pretty well but DiCello said she isn’t trying for worlds. Wong could also show up to camp and beat everyone making her a clear AA contender.

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