Valeri was still running the juniors and developmental camps throughout 2017 while he was National Team Coordinator. Marta used to run both as well prior to Valeri taking over the developmental team, the position was initially only split up as training for Valeri to ultimately take over the coordinator position.
February 2018: Liukin resigns, board of directors resigns, Tom Forster named interim elite development program director. Rhonda Faehn is temporarily running the seniors. An interim board of directors is created.
May 2018: Rhonda Faehn is out, Annie Heffernan named VP of Women’s Program. New board of directors is seated. USAG posts the position of “High-Performance Training Coordinator” as open.
June 2018: Tom Forster is named High-Performance Training Coordinator.
August 2018: Mary Lee Tracy is named elite development coordinator. This lasts exactly three days before she’s told to resign (28-31.)
September 2018: Kerry Perry resigns as CEO (4th)
For the rest of 2018 theres a number of board of director resignations and changes and whatever. This is when they almost get de-certified and file bankrupcy. Mary Bono was interim CEO for a day etc. everything is chaos.
January 2019: Dan Baker is named elite development coordinator.
February 2019: Li Li Leung becomes CEO of USAG. Stability returns.
Then of course after 2021 Worlds Tom Forster resigns. The position is split into 3 parts with Dan Baker retaining his role of developmental lead, along with Sacramone (strategic lead) and Memmel (technical lead) in May 2022.