Sorry for the late answer, EFs start around 1 AM EST today
Spreadsheets will be really really cool and I think scoring may help give us a sense of the main contenders. I don’t think it has been posted but the Olympic training squad comprises the top 8 AA finishers, which is why Ou Yushan was subbed in, as a very legitimate contender. So the following qualified for the training squad:
Lu Yufei
Zhang Jin*
Li Shijia*
Tang Xijing*
He Licheng
Ou Yushan
Wei Xiaoyuan
Luo Rui
2019 World team members Li, Tang, Qi Qi, Liu Tingting and Chen Yile are also included in the training squad. Also I read a tweet about those with a 22.5+ D score total (Guan Chenchen, notably) being included maybe?? I think 2018 Asian Games winners Chen Yile, Zhang Jin, Liu Tingting, Luo Huan and Liu Jinru also qualify for the selection team. So…pretty stacked.
Not sure if people know this and I’m last to the party, but Lu Yufei did this in PT:
Her coach is giving her bottom leg a lift but I think she could definitely be landing this by Tokyo if she’s staying healthy–she’s probably landing it now anyway.
VT: (Ou) Li, Zhang, Lu
UB: (Zhang) Ou, Lu, Li
BB: (Zhang/Lu) Zhang/Lu, Li, Ou
FX: (Li) Zhang, Lu, Ou
It’s increasingly clear to me that China should be second behind the US in Tokyo if all teams hit and are healthy.