We’re getting a live stream of every second of the competition, including podium training, for men, women, and juniors. Every individual routine and full broadcasts are all being uploaded to YouTube right after the competition. What more could they possibly do? Outside of strapping a camera to each athlete so you can watch them walk from the hotel to the arena, we’re seeing everything.How did we go from the 1992 Triplecast to absolute crap. The technology is available.
Like, 20 years ago in 2003 we were sitting in a chat room refreshing quick hits and relying on people texting into the chat from the stands to find out what was happening at Nationals, because NBC would only be broadcasting a bit more than an hour of the competition 24 hours after it happened. I found out Carly Patterson won the 2004 Olympics sitting in a chatroom with quick hits. In 2006 we were being blocked from even uploading fan-taken videos from the stands to YouTube. In 2010 for the only available video of women’s team finals at Worlds was from a fan in the stands (NBC broadcast to follow days later.)
We have everything now. Every single routine, full broadcast (that there even is a broadcast!!), every single session, live and on YouTube for just the US Classic. All this for just a qualifier to Nationals, and USAG is doing it all. Fans aren’t having to cobble this together anymore, USAG is uploading it all themselves for us. This is excellent coverage.
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