2022 World Gymnastics Championships Event Finals Day 1 (Saturday 11/05)

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Doug, I eagerly await your take on vault, particularly Jordan’s Lopez.

I gave her DTY a 9.3 (though I was umming and arring between 9.3 and 9.4) and her Lopez a 9.4. She had a little shuffle on the landing (I think) so it would have been a 9.5 for a stick. 1 for height 1 for distance, 1 for body shape (although this is a bit mean, but she’s not rod straight from table to mat - most people get this), and 2 on the table. Nothing for chest, nothing for pike down.

I think FIG also gave her a 9.4.
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Wow, you guys were very different on Wei but averaged pretty close to the fig number.
Maybe so. I read an interview where Denisse said it was named for her after she did it at the 1999 World championships.

Eta: videos I found of the event finals seem to have skipped her first vault.
In Tianjin, Lopez vaulted a layout barani as her primary vault, and an Omelianchik as her second vault. At Cottbus in 2000, she would upgrade the Omelianchik to a Podkopayeva. In Sydney, she used the layout barani vault in prelims. In finals, she attempted the ‘McIntosh’ / full twisting front layout and layout Podkopayeva vaults, but fell on both of them. Following the Olympics, this vault was named after her, but note that it was actually already in the COP under #4.514. Her name remained in the COP through 2005, and was removed from 2006 onward.

To add further mystery to the vault naming methodology, note the cases of McIntosh and Moya.

McIntosh got the full twisting front layout vault named after her following Tianjin. However, her name was removed from the COP starting in 2001.

Moya submitted and received credit for a layout Khorkina (1/2-on to layout Cuervo), but her name never made it into the 2001 COP. She flashed vault #4.517, as did Raducan (which was unlisted prior to Sydney according to the copies of the COP I have).
Mustafina is not listed as well
Mayke Its the format of this document
Mustafina was never credited with this vault in the COP, with the reason being that skills already listed can’t be named after gymnasts even if they are the first to perform an element.
Luo Rui - Uneven Bars

1 x F (layout Jaeger)
3 x E (‘Lin’ pirouette, ‘Ling’ pirouette, ‘Lin’ pirouette with additional 1/2 turn)
4 x D (Pak salto, Maloney, Gienger, full twisting double tuck dismount)

Total DV - 3.7


‘Lin’ + ‘Ling’ + layout Jaeger (D + D or more, both with turn or flight, and E + E, one flight element), 0.1 CV + 0.2 CV

Maloney + Gienger (D flight from low bar to high bar + C or more with turn or flight on high bar), 0.2 CV

Total CV - 0.5

Dismount Bonus

full twisting double tuck (D) - 0.2


Flight from high bar to low bar - Pak salto
Flight element on same bar - layout Jaeger
Different Grips - ‘Lin’ pirouette, giant to blind change
Non-flight with 360 degree turn - ‘Ling’ pirouette

Total D - 3.7 + 0.5 + 0.2 + 2.0 = 6.4

Elements or Connections Not Credited

layout Jaeger → credit as piked Jaeger, a D element due to the significant pike in the hips prior to regrasp

Second connection becomes: ‘Ling’ + piked Jaeger, D + D or more, both with turn or flight, 0.1 CV (It’s interesting to note that the COP / Help Desk only state that CV is not awarded in the case of hit of feet against the mat.)

Credited D - 3.5 + 0.4 + 0.2 + 2.0 = 6.1


‘Lin’ pirouette
(angle of completion → between 11 and 30 degrees of handstand), 0.1

‘Ling’ pirouette
(angle of completion → between 11 and 30 degrees of handstand), 0.1

piked Jaeger
(hit on apparatus with feet), 0.5

cast to handstand with legs straddled
(body posture / piked hips) 0.1

(insufficient height) 0.3
(under rotation of flight element) 0.1

cast to handstand with legs straddled
(body posture / piked hips) 0.1

‘Lin’ pirouette with additonal 1/2 turn
(angle of completion → past 45 degrees of handstand), 0.5

full twisting double tuck dismount
(large step on landing → greater than shoulder width), 0.3

Total Deductions - (2.1), 7.9 / Actual 7.700

Nina Derwael - Uneven Bars

1 x F (Derwael / Fenton)
2 x E (Bhardwaj, van Leeuwen)
5 x D (Ezhova, Shaposhnikova from stalder entry, Pak salto, Maloney, full twisting double tuck dismount)

Total DV - 3.6


Derwael / Fenton + Ezhova (D + F, both flight elements), 0.2 CV

Ezhova + Shaposhnikova from stalder entry + Pak salto + Maloney + Bhardwaj (D + D or more, both with turn or flight x 4), 0.4 CV

toe-on full + full twisting double tuck dismount (D + D or more, both with turn or flight), 0.1 CV

Total CV - 0.7

Dismount Bonus

full twisting double tuck (D) - 0.2


Flight from high bar to low bar - Pak salto
Flight element on same bar - Derwael / Fenton
Different Grips - Ezhova, Maloney
Non-flight with 360 degree turn - toe-on full

Total D - 3.6 + 0.7 + 0.2 + 2.0 = 6.5

Elements or Connections Not Credited

Derwael / Fenton → credit as Ricna, an E element because 1/2 turn is not initiated prior to regrasp, and is instead caught in cross grip

First connection becomes: Ricna + Ezhova, D + D or more, both with turn or flight, 0.1 CV

Credited D - 3.5 + 0.6 + 0.2 + 2.0 = 6.3


Derwael / Fenton
(flexed feet) 0.1
(lack of precision) 0.1

(flexed feet) 0.1
(insufficient height) 0.3 ^
(lack of precision) 0.1

Shaposhnikova from stalder entry
(flexed feet) 0.1

Pak salto
(flexed feet) 0.1

(leg separation) 0.1 ^

(lack of precision) 0.1

cast to handstand with legs straddled
(body posture / piked hips) 0.1

toe-on full
(angle of completion → between 31 and 45 degrees of handstand) 0.3

full twisting double tuck dismount
(bent knees on giant swing) 0.1
(flexed feet) 0.1
(hop on landing) 0.1

Total Deductions - (1.5 - 1.8), 8.2 - 8.5 / Actual 8.400
They said before she hit the mat on her front giant and I’m not sure the coaches are allowed to move mats in and out like in NCAA.
Her leg form and extension compared to Luo Rei and the rest of the field is gross. Reminds me of Shang Chunsong.
Did we? Or am I within a tenth of most of the panel and then there’s a major outlier lol
Must be the “you” plural form, for Rich is in line with me.

Wei Xiaoyuan’s EF routine was the only thing better this year than last year at Worlds lol. Kitakyushu was a wonderful post-Olympic Worlds
Ha I meant “you” as in “you, the person calling me a “major outlier”” lol.

Rich hasn’t called me an outlier on Wei’s score (yet!) 😉

@irichluck21 - what’s your E Score for Wei?
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Doug, you scored Wei’s TF routine .3 higher than her EF routine despite being crisper in EF and sticking the dismount. During team comp she had a .3 step
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Maybe I had different camera angles? I watched a few fan videos to try and cover in the gaps.
You must have had a very low E Score for Wei to get her in 3rd.
I had Wei at 8.1 E score and Dewael at 8.4 so Derwael won the tie break for silver.
I would have to go back and watch again though.

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