Worlds 2021 US Selection Camp (October 8-11)

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Don’t forget that everyone got last year for free essentially, so there is no scholarship cap this year due to Covid I don’t know when the scholarship cap will be reinstated.
It appears Aleah Finnegan might be trying for Worlds.
She is training arabian double front (gorgeous legs together) into immediate punch front full.
I don’t think this is intended to be a NCAA pass as it is too difficult and risky.

I’m fairly certain she retired from elite after not making trials, plus she had foot surgery recently. The dbl arabian punch 1/1 was part of a montage of skills she trained for fun, including a Def, that she posted on insta. It’s a shame the Fongs mismanaged her cause she’s has some serious talent.

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The real GAGE is a much more successful and less depressing establishment. They have agreed that forgetting a CR, or being too lazy to do one, is more honorable than being set up to fail. Would you blame them?

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It’s an incredible pass but, yet again, compositionally DIABOLICAL skill selection from Fong.

WHY do a full?!

She could literally do a tuck front, pike front, front lay, front half (tuck pike or straight) and, given that there is no way on Fong’s green earth any of his gymnasts would ever count a B, they would get EXACTLY THE SAME D SCORE.
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Because it’s hot AF.

Doing things that nobody else can do is maybe the thing I love most about gymnastics. It’s why wolf turns and candle stick mounts and double tuck dismounts on floor make you want to put a fork through your eye. This code blows precisely because it doesn’t reward stuff like this.
Sorry I had thought that these were post Trials videos. Not just her playing around in the gym.
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How much money though?

Also, it’s been speculated that Melanie wants to train in the US but France have been reluctant to sanction it.
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