Russia-Ukraine War: Effects on Gymn World

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Please tell me someone shared this in the replies:
An underprepared Melnikova won the 2021 World AA with a higher total than Andrade. And Listunova is competing great, aside from her dodgy ro + bhs on floor. I think she would’ve scored similar to Wei in UB EF for a hit routine. Certainly a few of the Russians would’ve contended in BB.
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She seems to be coping well with her growth spurt which is always a relief as we don’t really believe in growth spurts here
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Seems to be what the various sports governing bodies have been told they should be preparing for.
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That’s interesting, this war doesn’t look like it’s going anywhere soon
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Well that’s part of the problem here. It’s easy to just cancel Russia.

It’s a lot harder to boycott a major sporting event in protest at Russia being allowed to compete. Especially in the US, huge amount of backlash and anger at athletes missing out.

40 years on and the athletes affected by the 1980/84 boycotts are still hurting
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It would be very difficult and awkward for the Ukrainian athletes to be marching in the same rotations as the Russian athletes and their (state sponsored) coaches.
I guess it depends on how the athletes act. Like Soccer world cup where it was in essence the athletes who refused to participate against Russia
I mean, we’ve had Turkish and Armenian gymnasts compete alongside each other this weekend. I doubt that was pleasant for the Armenians. You can’t even visit Armenia if you’ve ever been to Turkey. At least no one actually representing Azerbaijan was there, but I imagine the Armenian gymnasts are about as happy about Jessica’s floor gold as American Reddit is, given last week’s rocket attack on Nagorno-Karabakh.

Athletes from countries who are involved in conflict should be competing against each other. Nothing is gained by attempting to cancel a country, like many Arab world countries have tried to do with Israel.
Radivilov’s politics are just as distasteful as Nagorny’s. Two sides of the same coin.

I find it very weird that gymnastics fans are seemingly fantasising over Ukrainian gymnastics physically annihilating Russian ones. Earlier this week is was Kovtun, now it’s Radivilov.
Well, the tweet was from March, but the post I was responding to reminded me of it.
Is there any reporting on this? Where did you find this info?
No info. I was just asking the question. I didn’t recall if there was a specified end to the time-out or not. Or what conditions had to be fulfilled before they could return. I was hoping someone here would know
There aren’t any prescribed conditions for return and it partly depends on each governing body.

The IJF allowed Russians and Belarussians to compete in judo competitions earlier this year. So Ukraine is boycotting any competitions they participate in. So I don’t expect any sane governing bodies to let Russia compete while the war is ongoing.
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