Russia-Ukraine War: Effects on Gymn World

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Does the FIG ban “social” issues though? I thought the ban was “political” issues?

If the text includes “social” issues then I stand corrected.
Yep. There’s many, many examples of this sort of protest. Which is exactly how it should be done. Although nowadays it would be extremely unlikely that the USSR would be permitted to compete internationally
The text is
Abstain from any kind of demonstration or political, religious or racial propaganda in any
Gymnastics competitions
I guess it’s hard to draw the line between political and social issues, though.
I believe it uses the same criteria used by most sports governing bodies. One of the best known examples is FIFA’s u turn on the banning of the poppy symbol on the shirts of footballers.
Other governing bodies have come to a compromise for example FIFA has its own approved environmental, anti racism and LGBT rights images and slogans that can be used on shirts
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In the context of FIG rules at competition it is. You can’t wear a shirt that says world peace, and that definitely isn’t political.
In the context of FIG rules at competition it is. You can’t wear a shirt that says world peace, and that definitely isn’t political.
What does it say exactly about what can and can’t be worn. I don’t have the COP directly in front of me.
Each competition has it own rules, as much of it also depends on the demands of sponsors.

At CWGs Georgia Mae had to put bandage tape over the logo on her headphones that she was using on the side of the podium as it would have violated the apparel rules.

Remember Kovtun was not banned for showing support for the war. He was banned for his conduct in displaying a political symbol.
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Ilia Kovtun’s audience choice matters. He demonstrated during podium training. That’s directed to the people in the building, not us. Russia is allowed to deeply integrate politics into gymnastics with no repercussion. And Kovtun’s bears the horrible consequences. Morinari Watanabe and Tassily Tito do not care how hellish this year has been for Ukrainians. And Kovtun has to do more emotional labor than most of the gymnasts at worlds.

So I’m glad Kovtun civilly sent a message to the people in the building. He got his freebee. He shouldn’t do it again during the competition.
How does Russia integrate politics with gymnastics at international competitions?

Kuliak was rightly banned for displaying a political symbol
Thomas Bach recommended prohibiting all participation when the invasion began. Watanabe compromised and allowed unaffiliated participation. It predictably lead to Kuliak violating the rules. That is reality for Ilia Kovtun.

He puts his body on the line while some in the building contribute to his suffering. If a participant does any pro-war BS, I suspect Kovtun would literally knock him out. And he deserves to make sure everyone understands.
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Yes, the FIG were slow to react but Kuliak is responsible for his actions, no one else.

You haven’t explained how Russia is allowed to politicise gymnastics.

Why would anyone there be doing anything pro war? If they did I very much doubt that Kovtun would knock them out. He’s not stupid, nor a thug.
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Again, this is reality to Kovtun. I can’t imagine how bizarre his experience this year must be from his perspective.
Of course it is, given the context. Worn by a Ukranian gymnast in the middle of a war between Russia and Ukraine. MaryClare is right on this one.
I don’t think “Stop War” is political, it is humanitarian. But my opinion I guess.
Ok, your obsessiveness about Kovtun is definitely bordering on creepy-weird.

And I still don’t understand what point you are trying to make

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