OOBNess was my first forum too, probably sometime around 1998 or 1997. That was a time - I was very young and didn't know how to internet yet (though I'm not sure anyone really did at that point). I can't remember if I subscribed to Gymn-L, or if I just heard so much about it that I feel like I did.
I peaced out of gymnastics from about 2001-2008, then joined IGF. Lived through the drama of Nastia vs. Shawn, Komova vs. Douglas. Joined wwgym around 2009, and TAAF at some point. Never was part of GGMB - I didn't qualify for membership and was never sad about it.
Peaced out of the sport for another five year or so in the mid 2010s, found my way back around 2018. IGF was dying and I couldn't remember my TAAF password. Went back to wwgym till it exploded. Then joined the FB page, then came here. Voila.